Larry Reeves

Lawrence Reeves

Assistant Professor

Molecular Ecologist

  • Burkett-Cadena ND, Hoyer I, Blosser E, Reeves LE. 2018. Human-powered pop-up resting shelter for sampling cavity-resting mosquitoes. Acta Tropica 190: 288-292.
  • Reeves LE, Gillett-Kaufman JL, Kawahara AY, Kaufman PE. 2018.Barcoding blood meals: New vertebrate-specific primer sets for assigning taxonomic identities to host DNA from mosquito blood meals. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 12: e0006767.
  • Reeves LE, Holderman CJ, Blosser EM, Gillett-Kaufman JL, Kawahara AY, Kaufman PE, Burkett-Cadena ND. 2018. Identification of Uranotaenia sapphirina as a specialist of annelids broadens known mosquito host use patterns. Communications Biology 1: 92.
  • Reeves LE, Avery ML, Krysko KL, Gillett-Kaufman JL, Kawahara AY, Kaufman PE. 2018. Interactions between exotic Burmese pythons, Python bivittatus, and native mosquito communities in Florida. PLOS ONE 13: e0190633.
  • Hoyer IJ, Blosser EM, Acevedo C, Thompson AC, Reeves LE, Burkett-Cadena ND. 2017. Mammal decline, linked to invasive Burmese python, shifts host use of vector mosquito towards reservoir hosts of a zoonotic disease. Biology Letters 13: 20170353.
  • Blosser EM, Lord CC, Stenn T, Acevedo C, Hassan HK, Reeves LE, Unnasch TR, Burkett-Cadena ND. 2017.Environmental drivers of seasonal patterns of host utilization by Culiseta melanura in Florida. Journal of Medical Entomology 54: 1365-1374.
  • Reeves LE, Bremer JS, Hoyer IJ. 2017. New county records for a tropical fruit-piercing moth, Eudocima apta (Walker, 1858), in Florida: A potential agricultural pest (Lepidoptera: Calpinae). Tropical Lepidoptera Research 27: 21-25.
  • St. Laurent RA, Wagner DL, Reeves LE, Kawahara AY. 2017.Notes on the larva and natural history of Lacosoma arizonicum Dyar (Mimallonoidea, Mimallonidae) with new host and parasitoid records. Journal of the Lepidopterists’ Society 71: 177-181.
  • Reeves LE, Holderman CJ, Gillett-Kaufman JL, Kawahara AY, Kaufman PE. 2016. Maintenance of host DNA integrity in field-preserved mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) blood meals for identification by DNA barcoding. Parasites and Vectors 9: 503. doi:10.1186/s13071-016-1791-z.

Barry Alto

Associate Professor

Mosquito Ecology - Disdease Transmission
Appointments, Awards, and Professional Service:
  • 2016-present, Editorial Board, Entomological Society of America (Environmental Entomology).
  • 2015-present, Board of Directors (Member-at-Large), Florida Mosquito Control Association.
  • 2014, Richard Jones Outstanding New Faculty Research Award, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida.
  • 2011-2014, Editorial Board (served as chair in 2014), Entomological Society of America (Journal of Medical Entomology).
  • 2011-2014, Faculty Assembly representative, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida.
  • 2014-present, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Faculty Research Advisory Group, University of Florida.