Collier TC, Lee Y, Mathias DK, Del Amo VL. CRISPR-Cas9 and Cas12a Target Site Richness Reflects Genomic diversity in natural populations of Anopheles gambiae and Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. BMC Genomics. 2024. 25: 700. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-024-10597-4
Telmaderrehei T, Romero-Weaver AL, Lee Y†, Minteer C†. First complete mitogenome sequence of a biological control agent insect, Pseudophilothrips ichini (Hood). Florida Entomol. 2024. 107(1):20240014. https://doi.org/10.1515/flaent-2024-0014
Seok S, Mogi M, Lee Y. Resolving confusion in the native distribution of Aedes (Hulecoeteomyia) koreicus (Diptera: Culicidae). J Med Entomol. 2024. tjae078, https://doi.org/10.1093/jme/tjae078
2024 |
Kosinski KJ, Romero-Weaver A, Nguyen VT, Mathias DK, Buckner EA, Lee Y. A new multiplex SNP genotyping assay to simultaneously screen eight voltage-gated sodium channel mutations of Aedes aegypti. 2023. J Florida Mosq Control Assoc. 2024. 71(1): 41-49. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32473/jfmca.71.1.135292
2023 |
Ditter RE, Campos M, Crepeau MW, Pinto J, Toilibou A, Amina Y, Tantely LM, Girod R, Lee Y, Cornel AJ, Lanzaro GC. Anopheles gambiae on remote islands in the Indian Ocean: origins and prospects for malaria elimination by genetic modification of extant populations. Sci Rep. 2023. 13(1):20830. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-44501-z. PMCID: PMC10682471.
2023 |
Seok S, Kim Z, Nguyen VT, Lee Y. The potential invasion into North America and Europe by non-native mosquito Aedes koreicus (Diptera: Culicidae). J Med Entomol. 2023. 60(6):1305-1313. https://doi.org/10.1093/jme/tjad116
2023 |
Soudi S, Crepeau M, Collier TC, Lee Y, Cornel AJ, Lanzaro GC. Genomic signatures of local adaptation in recent invasive Aedes aegypti populations in California. BMC Genomics. 2023. 24(1):311. doi: 10.1186/s12864-023-09402-5. PMCID: PMC10257851.
2023 |
Nguyen VT, Collier TC, Seok S, Wang X, Mburu MM, Simubali L, Gebhardt ME, Norris DE, Lee Y. The first genome sequence of Anopheles squamous from Macha, Zambia. F1000Research. 12:330 (https://doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.130734.1)
79 |
2023 |
Nguyen VT, Romero-Weaver AL, Wang X, Tavares Y, Bauer A, McDowell RC, Dorsainvil C, Eason MD, Malcolm AN, Raz CD, Byrd BD, Riegel C, Clark M, Ber J, Harrison R, Evans C, Zohdy S, Allen B, Campbell LP, Killingsworth D, Grey EW, Riles M, Lee Y*, Giordano BV. [*Lee Y – Corresponding author] Survey of mosquito surveillance and control capacity in the southern United States reveals training gaps and resource needs. J Am Mosquito Cntrl Assoc. ** In Press **
78 |
2023 |
Seok S, Raz CD, Miller JH, Malcolm AN, Eason MD, Romero-Weaver AL, Giordano BV, Jacobsen CM, Wang X, Akbari OS, Raban R, Mathias DK, Caragata EP, Vorsino AE, Chiu JC, Lee Y. Arboviral disease outbreaks, Aedes mosquitoes, and vector control efforts in the Pacific islands. Frontiers Trop Dis. 4:1035273. https://doi.org/10.3389/fitd.2023.1035273
77 |
2023 |
Brisco KK, Jacobsen CM, Seok S, Wang X, Lee Y*, Akbari OS, Cornel AJ. Field Evaluation of In2Care Mosquito Traps to Control Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) in Hawai'i Island. J Med Entomol. 2023. 60(2): 364-372. doi: 10.1093/jme/tjad005. [*Lee Y – Corresponding author]
76 |
2023 |
Seok S, Jacobsen CM, Romero-Weaver AL, Wang Xiaodi, Nguyen VT, Collier TC, Riles MT, Akbari OS, Lee Y. Complete mitogenome sequence of Aedes (Hulecoeteomyia) japonicus japonicus from Hawai’i Island. Mitochondrial DNA Part B Resourc. 2023. 8(1): 64-68. https://doi.org/10.1080/23802359.2022.2161328. PMCID: PMC9848326
75 |
2023 |
Campos M, Patel N, Marshall C, Gripkey H, Ditter RE, Crepeau MW, Toilibou A, Amina Y, Cornel AJ, Lee Y, Lanzaro GC. Population genetics of Anopheles pretoriensis in Grande Comore Island. Insects. 2023, 14(1), 14; https://doi.org/10.3390/insects14010014. PMCID: PMC9866569
74 |
2022 |
Niang A, Maïga H, Sawadogo SP, Konaté L, Faye O, Lee Y, Dabiré RK, Diabaté A, Tripet F. Perfect association between spatial swarm segregation and the X-chromosome speciation island in hybridizing Anopheles coluzzii and Anopheles gambiae populations. Sci Rep. 2022 Jun 24;12(1):10800. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-14865-9. PMCID: PMC9232630.
Kosinski KJ, Lee Y, Romero-Weaver AL, Chen T-Y, Collier TC, Wang X, Mathias DK, Buckner EA. Two novel SNPs in voltage-gated sodium channel gene identified in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes from Florida. Journal of Florida Mosquito Control Associations. 2022. 69(1):21-28. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32473/jfmca.v69i1.130622
Rashid I, Campos M, Collier T, Crepeau M, Weakley A, Gripkey H, Lee Y, Schmidt H, Lanzaro GC. Spontaneous mutation rate estimates for the principal malaria vectors Anopheles coluzzii and Anopheles stephensi. Scientific Reports. 2022. 22:226. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-03943-z. PMCID: PMC8742016
Jones CM, Ciubotariu II, Muleba M, Lupiya J, Mbewe D, Simubali L, Mudenda T, Gebhardt M, Carpi G, Malcolm AN, Kosinski KJ, Romero-Weaver AL, Stevenson JC, Lee Y, Norris DE. Multiple novel clades of anopheline mosquitoes caught outdoors in northern Zambia. Frontiers Trop Dis. 2021. 2:780664. https://doi.org/10.3389/fitd.2021.780664. PMCID: PMC9384971
Lewald K, Abrieux A, Wilson D, Lee Y, Conner W, Andreazza F, Beers E, Burrack H, Daane K, Diepenbrock L, Drummond F, Fanning P, Gaffney M, Hesler S, Ioriatti C, Isaacs R, Little B, Loeb G, Miller B, Nava D, Rendon D, Sial A, Da Silva C, Stockton D, Van Timmeren S, Wallingford A, Walton V, Wang X, Zhao B, Zalom F, Chiu J. Population genomics of Drosophila suzukii reveal longitudinal population structure and signals of migrations in and out of the continental United States. G3 (Bethesda). 2021. jkab343. https://doi.org/10.1093/g3journal/jkab343. PMCID: PMC8664444
Chen T-Y, Lee Y, Wang X, Mathias D, Caragata EP, Smartt CT. Profiling transcriptional response of Dengue-2 virus infection in midgut tissue of Aedes aegypti. Frontiers in Tropical Diseases. Front Trop Dis. 2021. 2:17. https://doi.org/10.3389/fitd.2021.708817
Kondapaneni R, Malcolm AN, Vazquez BM, Zeng E, Chen T, Kosinski KJ, Romero-Weaver AL, Giordano BV, Allen B, Riles MT, Killingsworth D, Campbell LP, Caragata EP, Lee Y. Mosquito control priorities in Florida – Survey results from Florida Mosquito Control Districts. Pathogens. 10(8), 947; https://doi.org/10.3390/pathogens10080947. PMCID: PMC8401384. (Part of Special Issue "Mosquito-Borne Diseases: Novel Control Strategies")
Kelly ET, Mack LK, Campos M, Grippin C, Chen, T, Romero-Weaver AL, Kosinski KJ, Brisco KK, Collier TC, Buckner EA, Campbell LP, Cornel AJ, Lanzaro GC, Rosario-Cruz R, Smith K, Attardo GM, Lee Y. Evidence of local extinction and reintroduction of Aedes aegypti in Exeter, California. Frontiers in Tropical Diseases. 2021. 2:8. https://doi.org/10.3389/fitd.2021.703873 (Part of Research Topic “Biology, Systemics, Taxonomy, and Evolution of Insect Vectors” and e-Boook edited by Oliveira et al. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/978-2-88974-741-2)
Campos M, Hanemaaijer M, Gripkey H, Collier TC, Lee Y, Cornel AJ, Pinto J, Rompão H, Lanzaro GC. The origin of island populations of the African malaria mosquito, Anopheles coluzzii. Communications Biol. 2021. 4:630. https://www.nature.com/articles/s42003-021-02168-0. PMCID: PMC8155153
Chen T, Vorsino AE, Kosinski KJ, Romero-Weaver AL, Buckner EA, Chiu JC, Lee Y. A magnetic-beads-based mosquito DNA extraction protocol for high throughput sequencing. J. Vis. Exp. 2021. 170: e62354, https://dx.doi.org/10.3791/62354
Mack LK, Kelly ET, Lee Y, Brisco KK, Shen KV, Zahid A, Van Schoor T, Cornel AJ, Attardo GM. Frequency of sodium channel genotypes and association with pyrethrum knockdown time in populations of Californian Aedes aegypti. Parasit Vectors. 2021. 14(1):141. doi: 10.1186/s13071-021-04627-3. PMCID: PMC7936502
Lee Y, Souvannaseng L, Collier TC, Main BJ, Norris LC, Fofana A, Traore SF, Cornel AJ, Luckhart S, Lanzaro GC. Evidence for divergent selection on immune genes between the African malaria vectors, Anopheles coluzzii and A. gambiae. Insects. 11(12): 893; https://doi.org/10.3390/insects11120893. PMCID: PMC7767042
Long KC, Alphey L, Annas GJ, Bloss CS, Campbell KJ, Champer J, Chen C, Choudhary A, Church GM, Collins JP, Cooper KL, Delborne JA, Edwards OR, Emerson CI, Esvelt K, Evans SW, Friedman RM, Gantz VM, Gould F, Hartley S, Heitman E, Hemingway J, Kanuka H, Kuzma J, Lavery JV, Lee Y, Lorenzen M, Lunshof JE, Marshall JM, Messer PW, Montell C, Oye KA, Palmer MJ, Papathanos PA, Paradkar PN, Piaggio AJ, Rasgon JL, Rašić G, Rudenko L, Saah JR, Scott MJ, Sutton JT, Vorsino A, Akbari OS. Core commitments for field trials of gene drive organisms. Science. 370(6523): 1417-1419. DOI: 10.1126/science.abd1908
Campos M, Crepeau M, Lee Y, Gripkey H, Rompão H, Cornel AJ, Pinto J, Lanzaro GC. Complete mitogenome sequence of Anopheles coustani from São Tomé island. Mitochondrial DNA Part B Resourc. 5:3, 3394-3396, https://doi.org/10.1080/23802359.2020.1823273. PMCID: PMC7782027
Kreppel KS, Viana M, Main BJ, Johnson PCD, Govella NJ, Lee Y, Maliti D, Meza FC, Lanzaro GC, Ferguson HM. Emergence of behavioural avoidance strategies of malaria vectors in areas of high LLIN coverage in Tanzania. Sci Rep. 2020. 10(1):14527. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-71187-4. PMCID: PMC7471940.
Carballar-Lejarazú R, Ogaugwu C, Tushar T, Kelsey A, Pham TB, Murphy J, Schmidt H, Lee Y, Lanzaro G, James AA. Next-generation gene drive for population modification of the malaria vector mosquito, Anopheles gambiae. PNAS. 117(37):22805-22814. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2010214117. PMCID: PMC7502704
Braack L, Bornman R, Kruger T, Dahan Y, Gilbert A, Kaiser M, Oliver S, Cornel AJ, Lee Y, Norris DE, Coetzee M, Brooke B, De Jager C. Malaria vectors and vector surveillance in Limpopo Province (South Africa) 1927 to 2018. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 17(11), 4125; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17114125. PMCID: PMC7313001
Schmidt H, Collier TC, Hanemaaijer MJ, Houston PD, Lee Y, Lanzaro GC. Abundance of conserved CRISPR-Cas9 target sites within the highly polymorphic genomes of Anopheles and Aedes mosquitoes. Nat Commun. 11(1):1425. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-15204-0. PMCID:PMC7080748.
Cornel AJ, Bargielowski IE, Collier TC, Weakley AM, Blosser EM, Lanzaro GC, Hulshof K, Braks MAH, Lee Y. Complete mitogenome sequences of Aedes (Howardina) busckii and Aedes (Ochlerotatus) taeniorhynchus from the Caribbean Island of Saba. Mitochondrial DNA Part B Resourc. 5(2), 1163-1164, DOI:10.1080/23802359.2020.1730720
Li M, Yang T, Kandul N, Bui M, Gamez S, Raban R, Bennett J, Sanchez C. HM, Lanzaro GC, Schmidt H, Lee Y, Marshall JM, Akbari OS. Development of a Confinable Gene-Drive System in the Human Disease Vector, Aedes aegypti. eLife. 9:e51701. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.51701. PMCID: PMC6974361.
Schmidt H, Lee Y, Collier TC, Hanemaaijer MJ, Kirstein OD, Ouledi A, Muleba M, Norris DE, Slatkin M, Cornel AJ, Lanzaro GC. Transcontinental dispersal of Anopheles gambiae occurred from West African origin via serial founder events. Commun Biol. 2:473. doi: 10.1038/s42003-019-0717-7. PMCID: PMC6923408.
Martinez-Villegas L, Assiss-Geraldo J, Koerich LB, Collier TC, Lee Y, Main BJ, Lanzaro GC, Pimenta PFP. Characterization of the complete mitogenome of Anopheles aquasalis, and phylogenetic divergences among Anopheles from diverse geographic zones. PLoS One 14(9): e0219523. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0219523. PMCID:PMC6720026
Guagliardo SAJ, Lee Y, Pierce A, Wong J, Chu YY, Morrison AC, Astete H, Brosi B, Vazquez-Prokopec G, Scott TW, Kitron U, Stoddard ST. The genetic structure of Aedes aegypti populations is driven by boat traffic in the Peruvian Amazon. PLoS Neg Trop Dis. 13(9):e0007552. http://www.plosntds.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pntd.0007552. PMCID:PMC6750575
Torres MG, Weakley AM, Hibbert JD, Kirstein OD, Lanzaro GC, Lee Y. Ethanol as potential mosquito sample storage medium for RNA preservation. F1000Research. 8:1431 DOI:https://doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.20162.1. PMCID:PMC6713064
Tabuloc CA, Lewald KM, Conner WR, Lee Y, Lee EK, Cain AB, Godfrey KE, Pujol JA, Agustí N, Zalom FG, Chiu JC. Sequencing of Tuta absoluta genome to facilitate the development of SNP genotyping assays for species identification. J Pest Sci. 92:1397-1407. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10340-019-01116-6
Hanemaaijer MJ, Higgins H, Eralp I, Yamasaki Y, Becker N, Kirstein OD, Lanzaro GC, Lee Y. Introgression between Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles coluzzii in Burkina Faso and its associations with kdr resistance and Plasmodium infection. Malar J. 18:127. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12936-019-2759-1. PMCID:PMC6458625
(v1 in 2018)
Hanemaaijer MJ, Houston P, Collier TC, Norris LC, Fofana A, Lanzaro GC, Cornel AJ, Lee Y. Mitochondrial genomes of Anopheles arabiensis, An. gambiae and An. coluzzii show no clear species division. F1000 Research. 7:347 DOI: 10.12688/f1000research.13807.2. PMCID: PMC6489993
Lee Y, Schmidt H, Collier TC, Conner WR, Hanemaaijer MJ, Slatkin M, Marshall JM, Chiu JC, Smartt CT, Lanzaro GC, Mulligan FS, Cornel AJ. Genome-wide divergence among invasive populations of Aedes aegypti in California. BMC Genomics. 20(1):204. doi: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-019-5586-4. PMCID:PMC6417271
Hanemaaijer MJ, Collier TC, Chang A, Shott CC, Houston PD, Schmidt H, Main BJ, Cornel AJ, Lee Y, Lanzaro GC. The fate of genes that cross species boundaries after a major hybridization event in a natural mosquito population. Mol Ecol. 27(24):4978-4990. doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/mec.14947.
Schmidt H, Hanemaaijer MJ, Cornel AJ, Lanzaro GC, Braack L, Lee Y. Complete mitogenome sequence of Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti derived from field isolates from California and South Africa. Mitochondrial DNA B Resour. 3(2): 994-995, https://doi.org/10.1080/23802359.2018.1495117. PMCID: PMC7800648
Jones CM, Lee Y, Kitchen A, Collier T, Pringle JC, Muleba M, Irish S, Stevenson JC, Coetzee M, Cornel AJ, Norris DE, Carpi G. Complete Anopheles funestus mitogenomes reveal an ancient history of mitochondrial lineages and their distribution in southern and central Africa. Sci Rep. 8:9054. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-27092-y. PMCID:PMC5997999
Loiseau C, Melo M, Lee Y, Pereira H, Hanemaaijer M, Lanzaro G, Cornel AJ. High endemism of mosquitoes on São Tomé and Principe Islands: evaluating the general dynamic model in a worldwide island comparison. Insect Conservation and Diversity. 12(1):1651-1673 https://doi.org/10.1111/icad.12308
Cornel AJ, Lee Y, Almeida APG, Johnson T, Mouatcho J, Venter M, de Jager C, Braack L. Mosquito community composition in South Africa and some neighboring countries. Parasit Vectors. 11:331. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13071-018-2824-6. PMCID:PMC5984792
Main BJ, Lee Y, Kreppel KS, Ferguson HM, Collier TC, Kihonda A, Govella NJ, Kang EY, Nieman CC, Weakley AM, Eskin E, Cornel AJ, Lanzaro GC. The Genetic Basis of host preference and indoor resting behavior in the major African malaria vector, An. arabiensis. PLoS Genetics. 12(9): e1006303. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1006303. PMCID:PMC5025075.
Cornel AJ, Brisco KK, Tadei WP, Secundino NF, Galardo AKR, Medeiros JF, Pessoa FAC, Rios-Velasquez CM, Lee Y, Pimenta PFP, Lanzaro GC. Anopheles darlingi polytene chromosomes: revised maps including newly described inversion and evidence for population structure in Manaus. Memorias. 2016. 111(5):335-346. PMCID: PMC4878303.
Brisco KK, Cornel AJ, Lee Y, Mouatcho J, Braack L. Comparing efficacy of a sweep net and a dip method for collection of mosquito larvae in large bodies of water in South Africa. F1000Res. 5:713. (doi: 10.12688/f1000research.8351.1) *** INDEXED ***. PMCID:PMC5390499
Maliti DV, Marsden CD, Main BJ, Govella NJ, Yamasaki Y, Collier TC, Kreppel K, Chiu JC, Lanzaro GC, Ferguson HM, Lee Y. Investigating associations between biting time in the malaria vector Anopheles arabiensis Patton and single nucleotide polymorphisms in circadian clock genes: support for sub-structure among An. arabiensis in the Kilombero valley of Tanzania. Parasit Vectors. 2016. 9(1):109. Doi: 10.1186/s13071-016-1394-8. PMCID: PMC4769569.
Cornel AJ, Holeman J, Nieman CC, Lee Y*, Smith C, Amorino M, Brisco K, Barrera R, Lanzaro GC, Mulligan III FS. Surveillance, insecticide resistance and control of an invasive Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) population in California. F1000Res. 5:194. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.8107.3. [*Lee Y – Corresponding author]. PMCID: PMC4857756.
Nieman CC, Yamasaki Y, Collier TC, Lee Y. A DNA extraction protocol for improved DNA yield from individual mosquitoes. F1000research, 4: 1314. https://doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.7413.1 PMCID: PMC4743141.
Main BJ, Lee Y, Norris LC, Collier TC, Fofana A, Cornel AJ, Lanzaro GC. Complex Genome Evolution in A. coluzzii Associated with Increased Insecticide Usage in Mali. Mol Ecol. 24(20): 5145-5157. PMCID: PMC4615556.
Lanzaro GC, Collier TC, Lee Y. Defining genetic, taxonomic and geographic boundaries among species of the Psorophora confinnis (Diptera:Culicidae) complex in the Americas. J Med Entomol. 52(5):907-17., DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jme/tjv084
Norris LC, Main BJ, Lee Y, Collier T, Fofana A, Cornel AJ, Lanzaro GC. Adaptive introgression in an African malaria mosquito coincident with the increased usage of insecticide-treated bed nets. PNAS. 112(3):815-820. PMCID: PMC4311837.
Ng'habi KR, Lee Y, Knols BG, Mwasheshi D, Lanzaro GC, Ferguson HM. Colonization of malaria vectors under semi-field conditions as a strategy for maintaining genetic and phenotypic similarity with wild populations. Malar J. 2015. 14:10. doi: 10.1186/s12936-014-0523-0. PMCID: PMC4340333.
Lee Y, Weakley AM, Nieman CC, Malvick J, Lanzaro GC. A multi-detection assay for malaria transmitting mosquitoes. J Vis Exp. (96):e52385. doi:10.3791/52385. http://www.jove.com/video/52385/a-multi-detection-assay-for-malaria-transmitting-mosquitoes. PMCID:PMC4401152
Lee Y, Olson N, Yamasaki Y, Chang A, Marsden CD, Lanzaro GC, Cornel AJ. Absence of KDR resistance alleles in the Union of the Comoros, East Africa. F1000research. 2015. 4:146. PMCID: PMC4544377.
Sanford MR, Cornel AJ, Nieman CC, Dinis J, Marsden CD, Weakley AM, Han S, Rodrigues A, Lanzaro G, Lee Y. Plasmodium falciparum infection rates for some Anopheles spp. from Guinea-Bissau, West Africa. F1000Research, 3:243. PMCID: PMC4215749.
Lee Y, Marsden CD, Nieman C, Lanzaro GC. A new multiplex SNP genotyping assay for detecting hybridization and introgression between the M and S molecular forms of Anopheles gambiae. Mol Ecol Resourc, 14(2): 297-305. PMCID: PMC3947471.
Marsden CD, Lee Y, Kreppel K, Weakley A, Cornel A, Ferguson HM, Eskin E, Lanzaro GC. Diversity, differentiation and linkage disequilibrium: prospects for association mapping in the malaria vector, Anopheles arabiensis. G3, 4(1): 121-31. PMCID: PMC3887528.
Lee Y, Marsden CD, Norris LC, Collier TC, Main BJ, Fofana A, Cornel AJ, Lanzaro GC. Spatio-temporal dynamics of gene flow and hybrid fitness between the M and S forms of the malaria mosquito, Anopheles gambiae. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 110(49):19854-9. PMCID: PMC3856788.
Sanford MR, Ramsay S, Cornel AJ, Marsden CD, Norris LC, Patchoke S, Fondjo E, Lanzaro GC, Lee Y. A preliminary investigation of the relationship between water quality and Anopheles gambiae larval habitats in Western Cameroon. Malar J. 12:225. PMCID: PMC3704728.
Lee Y, Collier TC, Sanford MR, Marsden CD, Fofana A, Cornel AJ, Lanzaro GC. Chromosome Inversions, Genomic Differentiation and Speciation in the African Malaria Mosquito Anopheles gambiae. PLoS One, 8(3): e57887. PMCID: PMC3603965.
Marsden CD, Cornel A, Lee Y, Sanford MR, Norris LC, Goodell PB, Nieman CC, Han S, Rodrigues A, Denis J, Ouledi A, Lanzaro GC. An analysis of two island groups as potential sites for trials of transgenic mosquitoes for malaria control. Evol Appl, 6(4): 706-20. PMCID: PMC3684749.
Cornel A, Lee Y, Fryxell RT, Seifert S, Nieman C, Lanzaro G. Culex pipiense sensu lato in California: a complex within a complex? J Am Mos Control Assoc, 28(4s): 113-121. DOI: 10.2987/8756-971X-28.4s.113
Trout Fryxell RT, Seifert SN, Lee Y, Sacko A, Lanzaro G, Cornel A. The kdr mutation and knockdown time in Anopheles gambiae (Diptera: Culicidae) collected from Mali evaluated through a bottle bioassay and a novel insecticide treated net (ITN) bioassay. J Am Mosq Control Assoc. 28(2):119-22. DOI: 10.2987/11-6216R.1
Trout Fryxell RT, Nieman CC, Fofana A, Lee Y, Traore SF, Cornel AJ, Luckhart S, Lanzaro GC. Differential Plasmodium falciparum infection of Anopheles gambiae s.s. molecular and chromosomal forms in Mali. Malar J. 11:133. PMCID:PMC3441388.
Demirci B, Lee Y, Lanzaro GC, Alten B. Altitudinal genetic and morphometric variation among populations of Culex theileri Theobald (Diptera: Culicidae) from northeastern Turkey. J Vector Ecol, 37(1): 197-209. DOI: 10.1111/j.1948-7134.2012.00217.x.
Demirci B, Lee Y, Lanzaro GC, Alten B. Identification and characterization of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in Culex theileri Theobald (Diptera: Culicidae). J Med Entomol, 49(3): 581-588. DOI: 10.1603/me11139.
Lee Y, Seifert SN, Fornadel CM, Norris DE, Lanzaro GC. Single nucleotide polymorphisms for high-throughput genotyping of Anopheles arabiensis in East and Southern Africa. J Med Entomol, 49(2): 307-315. PMCID: PMC4089035.
Lee Y, Seifert SN, Nieman CC, McAbee RD, Goodell P, Fryxell RT, Lanzaro GC, Cornel AJ. High degree of single nucleotide polymorphisms in California Culex pipiens (Diptera;Culicidae) sensu lato. J Med Entomol. 2012 Mar;49(2):299-306. PMCID: PMC3553656.
Wong J, Chu YY, Stoddard ST, Lee Y, Morrison AC, Scott TW. Microsatellite-Based Parentage Analysis of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) Using Non-Lethal DNA Sampling. J Med Entomol, 49(1): 85-93. PMCID: PMC3312012.
Sanford MR, Demirci B, Marsden CD, Lee Y, Cornel AJ, Lanzaro GC. Morphological Differentiation may Mediate Mate-Choice between Incipient Species of Anopheles gambiae s.s. PLoS One, 6(11): e27920. PMCID: PMC3221689.
Marsden CD, Lee Y, Neiman C, Sanford MR, Dinis J, Marins C, Rodrigues AR, Cornel AJ, Lanzaro GC. Asymmetric introgression between the M and S molecular forms of the malaria vector, Anopheles gambiae, maintains divergence despite extensive hybridisation. Mol Ecol, 20(23): 4983-4994. PMCID: PMC3222736.
Ng'habi KR, Knols BGJ, Lee Y, Ferguson HM, Lanzaro GC. Population genetic structure of Anopheles arabiensis and Anopheles gambiae in a malaria endemic region of southern Tanzania. Malar J. 10: 289. PMCID:PMC3195206.
Horton AA, Lee Y, Coulibaly CA, Rashbrook VK, Cornel AJ, Lanzaro GC, Luckhart S. Identification of three single nucleotide polymorphisms in Anopheles gambiae immune signaling genes that are associated with natural Plasmodium falciparum infection. Malar J, 9: 160. PMCID: PMC2896950.
Lee Y, Collier TC, Taylor CE, Olfati-Saber R. Simplicity from complexity: Emergence of cohesion in the evolutionary dynamics of grammar networks. Evol Ecol Res, 11(5): 433-445. [PDF]
Lee Y, Cornel AJ, Meneses CR, Fofana A, Andrianarivo AG, McAbee RD, Fondjo E, Traoré SF, Lanzaro GC. Ecological and genetic relationships of the Forest-M form among chromosomal and molecular forms of the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto. Malar J, 8: 75. PMCID:PMC2680901
Lee Y, Meneses CR, Fofana A, Lanzaro GC. Desiccation resistance among subpopulations of Anopheles gambiae s.s. from Selinkenyi, Mali. J Med Entomol, 46(2): 316-20. DOI: 10.1603/033.046.0216
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Manoukis NC, Lee Y, Vallejo E, Taylor CE. Detecting recurrent extinction in a metapopulations of Anopheles gambiae: preliminary results using simulation. Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS International Conference on Algorithm, Scientific Computing, Modeling and Simulation. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on SYSTEMS, 3(4): 1623-1628. [PDF]