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Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory

Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory

Print Publications 1-99

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1. Provost, M. W. 1948. Mosquito control in the state of Florida. Fla Health Notes 40 (5): 93-109.

2. Provost, M. W. 1948. The progress of mosquito-control in Florida. Newell Ent. Soc. News 3 (1): 9-22.

7. Provost, M. W. 1949. Mosquito control and mosquito problems in Florida. Proc. 17 a. Mtg. Calif. Mosq. Control Assoc. pp. 32-35.

11. Provost, M. W. 1950. Organization for mosquito control in Florida. Proc. 37 a. Mtg. New Jers. Mosq. Exterm. Assoc. pp. 103-105.

17. Provost, M. W. 1951. The occurrence of salt marsh mosquitoes in the interior of Florida. Fla Ent 34 (2): 48-53.

20. Thurman, E. B., J. S. Haeger, and J. A. Mulrennan. 1951. The taxonomy and biology of Psorophora (Janthinosoma) johnstonii (Grabham, 1905) (Diptera: Culicidae). Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 44 (1): 144-157.

22. Provost, M. W. 1952. Insect enemies of park comfort. Fla Pk and Rec. Train. Inst. Proc. pp. 33-40.

23. Provost, M. W. 1952. Ground space spraying of Mansonia and other mosquitoes in Leesburg, Florida. Mosquito News 12 (1): 16-27.

24. Provost, M. W. 1952. The dispersal of Aedes taenio- rhynchus. I. Preliminary studies. Mosquito News 12 (3): 174-190.

25. Nielsen, E. T. and A. T. Nielsen. 1953. Field observations on the habits of Aedes taeniorhynchus. Ecology 34 (1): 141-156.

27. Provost, M. W. 1953. Motives behind mosquito flights. Mosquito News 13 (2): 106-109.

28. Nielsen, E. T. and J. S. Haeger. 1954. Pupation and emergence in Aedes taeniorhynchus. Bull. ent. Res. 45 (4): 757-768.

31. Haeger, J. S. 1955. The non-blood feeding habits of Aedes taeniorhynchus (Diptera: Culicidae) on Sanibel Island, Florida. Mosquito News 15 (1): 21-26.

32. Nielsen, E. T. and J. S. Haeger. 1955. A simple method for estimating low light intensities. Ecology 36 (3): 525-526.

35. Harrington, R. W., Jr. 1956. An experiment on the effects of contrasting daily photoperiods on gametogenesis and reproduction in the centrarchid fish, Enneacanthus obesus(Girard). J. exp. Zool. 131 (3): 203-223.

38. Bidlingmayer, W. L. 1957. Studies on Culicoides furens (Poey) at Vero Beach. Mosquito News 17 (4): 292-294.

39. Harrington, R. W., Jr. 1957. Sexual photoperiodicity of the cyprinid fish, Notropis bifrenatus (Cope) in relation to the phases of its annual reproductive cycle. J. exp. Zool. 135 (3): 529-555.

40. Nielsen, E. T. 1957. Use of the electronic flash to record the activity of small animals. Nature, London 179 (4573): 1308.

41. Provost, M. W. 1957. The dispersal of Aedes taenio- rhynchus. II. The second experiment. Mosquito News 17 (4): 233-247.

43. Rogers, A. J., E. J. Beidler and C. B. Rathburn, Jr. 1957. A cage test for evaluating mosquito adulticides under field conditions. Mosquito News 17 (3): 194-198.

44. Rogers, A. J., E. J. Beidler and C. B. Rathburn, Jr. 1957. A progress report on dosage tests with mosquito adulticides. Mosquito News 17 (3): 190-194.

47. Harrington, R. W., Jr. and L. R. Rivas. 1958. The discovery in Florida of the cyprinodont fish, Rivulus marmoratus with a redescription and ecological notes. Copeia 1958 (2): 125-130.

49. Harrington, R. W., Jr. 1958. Morphometry and ecology of small tarpon, Megalops atlantica Valenciennes from transitional stage through onset of scale formation. Copeia 1958 (1): 1-10.

50. Nielsen, E. T. and H. T. Neilsen. 1958. Observations on mosquitoes in Iraq. Ent. Meddr. 28: 282-321.

51. Harrington, R. W., Jr. and W. L. Bidlingmayer. 1958. Effects of dieldrin on fishes and invertebrates of a salt marsh. J. Wildl. Mgmt 22 (1): 76-82.

52. Blickle, R. L. 1958. Notes on Aegialomyia psammophila (0.S) (Tabanidae, Diptera). Fla Ent. 41 (3): 129-131.

53. Nielsen, E. T. 1958. The initial stage of migration in salt-marsh mosquitoes. Bull. ent. Res. 49 (2): 305-313.

54. Nielsen, E. T. 1958. The method of ethology. Proc. 10th Int. Congr. Ent. Montreal, 1956 2: 563-565.

55. Provost, M. W. 1958. Mating and male swarming in Psorophora mosquitoes. Proc. 10th Int. Congr. Ent. Montreal, 1956 2: 553-561.

57. Blickle, R. L. 1959. Observations on the hovering and mating of Tabanus bishoppi Stone, (Diptera, Tabanidae). Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 52 (2): 183-190.

58. Blickle, R. L. 1959. Eye color of male Diachlorus ferrugatus (Fabr.) (Diptera, Tabanidae). Ent. News 69 (9): 230.

59. Haeger, J. S. 1958. The colonization of Aedes taenio- rhynchus (Wied.) (Diptera: Culicidae). Proc. 45 a. Mtg. New Jers. Mosq. Exterm. Assoc. pp. 80-88.

60. Branch, N., L. Logan, E. C. Beck and J. A. Mulrennan. 1958. New distributional records for Florida mosquitoes. Fla Ent. 41 (4): 155-163.

61. Harrington, R. W., Jr. and J. S. Haeger. 1958. Prolonged natural deferment of hatching in killifish. Science, N.Y. 128 (3337): 1511.

62. Harrington, R. W., Jr. 1959. Delayed hatching in stranded eggs of marsh killifish, Fundulus confluentus? Ecology 40 (3): 430-437.

63. Provost, M. W. and N. Branch. 1959. Food of chironomid larvae in Polk County lakes. Fla Ent. 42 (2): 49-62.

64. Bidlingmayer, W. L. 1959. Mosquito penetration tests with louver screening. Fla Ent. 42 (2): 63-67.

65. Provost, M. W. 1959. The influence of moonlight on light-trap catches of mosquitoes. Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 2 (3): 261-271.

66. Lea, A. 0. and P. T. M. Lum. 1959. Autogeny in Aedes taeniorhynchus (Wied.). J. econ. Ent. 52 (2): 356-357.

67. Harrington, R. W., Jr. 1959. Photoperiodism in fishes in relation to the annual sexual cycle. Pp.651-667, in "Photoperiodism and Related Phenomena in Plants and Animals", Washington, D.C. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 55: xvii + 903 pp.

69. Rogers, A. J. and C. B. Rathburn, Jr. 1958. Aerosol tests with DDT and malathion comparing five species of mosquitoes and comparing salt-marsh Aedes from eight localities in Florida and Georgia. Mosquito News 18 (2): 74-80.

72. Nielsen, E. T. and J. S. Haeger. 1960. Swarming and mating in mosquitoes. Ent. Soc. Am. Misc. Publ. 1 (3): 71- 95.

73. Branch, N. and E. L. Seabrook. 1959. Culex (Culex) scimitar, a new species of mosquito from the Bahama Islands (Diptera, Culicidae). Proc. ent. Soc. Wash. 61 (5): 216-218.

74. Harrington, R. W., Jr. 1959. Effects of four combinations of temperature and daylength on the ovogenetic cycle of a low-latitude fish, Fundulus confluentus Goode and Bean. Zoologica 44 (4): 149-168.

75. Provost, M. W. 1959. Current research in mosquito biology and control at Florida's Entomological Research Center. Proc. 46 a. Mtg. New Jers. Mosq. Exterm. Assoc. pp. 64-69.

76. Rogers, A. J. and C. B. Rathburn, Jr. 1958. Tests with a new granular paris green formulation against Aedes, Anopheles, and Psorophora larvae. Mosquito News 18 (2): 89-93.

77. Nielsen, E. T. and D. G. Evans. 1960. Duration of the pupal stage of Aedes taeniorhynchus with a discussion of the velocity of development as a function of temperature. Oikos 11 (2): 200-222.

78. Nielsen, E. T. and H. T. Nielsen. 1959. Temperatures preferred by the pierid Ascia monuste L. Ecology 40 (2):181-185.

79. Provost, M. W. 1959. Something different. "Electro Lyte" 4 (3): 4.

80. Provost, M. W. 1959. Impounding salt marshes for mosquito control and its effects on bird life. Fla Nat. 32 (4): 163-170.

81. Nielsen, E. T. 1959. Copulation of Glyptotendipes (Phytotendipes) paripes Edwards. Nature Lond. 184 (4694): 1252-1253.

82. Rathburn, C. B., Jr. and A. J. Rogers. 1959. Field tests of mists and dusts against caged adults of Aedes taenio- rhynchus (Wied.). Proc. 46 a. Mtg. New Jers. Mosq. Exterm. Assoc. pp. 200-205.

83. Nielsen, E. T. 1962. Contributions to the ethology of Glyptotendipes (Phytotendipes) paripes Edwards. Oikos 13 (1): 48-75.

84. Nielsen, E. T. 1960. A note on stationary nets. Ecology 41 (2): 375-376.

89. Provost, M. W. 1960. The dispersal of Aedes taeniorhynchus III. Study methods for migratory exodus. Mosquito News 20 (2): 148-161.

90. Haeger, J. S. 1960. Behavior preceding migration in the salt-marsh mosquito, Aedes taeniorhynchus (Wiedemann). Mosquito News 20 (2): 136-147.

91. Harrington, R. W., Jr. and E. S. Harrington. 1960. Food of larval and young tarpon, Megalops atlantica. Copeia 1960 (4): 311-319.

92. Lum, P. T. M. 1960. Gynandromorphism in Aedes taenio- rhynchus (Wiedemann). Mosquito News 20 (3):314-315.

93. Rogers, A. J. and C. B. Rathburn, Jr. 1960. Airplane application of granular paris green mosquito larvicide. Mosquito News 20 (2): 105-110.

94. Lum, P. T. M. 1961. The reproductive system of some Florida mosquitoes. I. The male reproductive tract. Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 54 (3): 397-401.

95. Lum, P. T. M. 1961. The reproductive system of some Florida mosquitoes. II. The male accessory glands and their role. Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 54 (3): 430-433.

96. Evans, D. G. 1961. A portable visual photometer for the measurement of very low light intensities. Ecology 42 (2): 402-403.

97. Provost, M. W. 1958. Chironomids and lake nutrients in Florida. Sewage and industrial wastes 30 (11): 1417-1419.

98. Bidlingmayer, W. L. 1961. Field activity studies of adult Culicoides furens. Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 54 (2): 149-156.

99. Harrington, R. W., Jr. and E. S. Harrington. 1961. Food selection among fishes invading a high subtropical salt marsh: From onset of flooding through the progress of a mosquito brood. Ecology 42 (4): 646-666.