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Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory

Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory

Print Publications 100 - 199

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102. Provost, M. W., P. T. M. Lum and N. Branch. 1961. Rotation of male terminalia in Aedes taeniorhynchus (Diptera: Culicidae) as affected by temperature. Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 54 (6): 896-900.

103. Yount, J. L. 1961. A note on stability in Central Florida lakes, with discussion of the effect of hurricanes. Limnol. Oceanogr. 6 (3): 322-325.

105. Nielsen, E. T. 1961. On the habits of the migratory butterfly Ascia monuste L. Biol. Meddr. 23 (11): 1-81.

107. Nielsen, E. T. 1962. A note on the control of the chironomid Glyptotendipes paripes Edwards. Mosquito News 22 (2): 114-115.

109. Harrington, R. W., Jr. 1961. Oviparous hermaphroditic fish with internal self-fertilization. Science, N.Y. 134 (3492): 1749-1750.

110. Wood, William, F., Jr. 1961. Illumination control for twilight studies. Ecology 42 (4): 821-822.

111. Nielsen, E. T. 1961. Twilight and the Crep' unit. Nature, Lond. 190 (4779): 878-879.

112. Rogers, A. J. 1962. Effects of impounding and filling on the production of sand flies (Culicoides) in Florida salt marshes. J. econ. Ent. 55 (4): 521-527.

113. Nielsen, H. T. and E. T. Nielsen. 1962. Swarming of mosquitoes. Laboratory experiments under controlled conditions. Entomologia exp. appl. 5 (1): 14-32.

114. Van Handel, E. and P. T. M. Lum. 1961. Sex as regulator of triglyceride metabolism in the mosquito. Science, N.Y. 134 (3494): 1979-1980.

115. Nielsen, H. T. 1964. Swarming and some other habits of Mansonia perturbans and Psorophora ferox (Diptera: Culicidae). Behaviour 24 (1-2): 67-89.

116. Bidlingmayer, W. L. 1964. The effect of moonlight on the flight activity of mosquitoes. Ecology 45 (1): 87-94.

117. Yount, J. L. 1963. South Atlantic States, Chapter 8 of Limnology in North America, D. G. Frey (ed.) Univ. Wisconsin Press, Madison. pp. 269-286.

118. Rogers, A. J. and C. B. Rathburn, Jr. 1960. Improved methods of formulating granular paris green larvicide. Mosquito News 20 (1): 11-14.

119. Van Handel, E. 1962. Coronary thrombosis and insect bites. The Lancet, Oct. 27, pp. 886-887.

120. Lum, P. T. M. 1963. The infection of Aedes taeniorhynchus (Wiedemann) and Psorophora howardii Coquillett by the fungus Coelomomyces. J. Insect Pathol. 5 (2): 157-166.

123. Bidlingmayer, W. L. 1954. Description of a trap for Mansonia larvae. Mosquito News 14 (2): 55-58.

124. Harrington, R. W., Jr. 1963. Twenty-four hour rhythms of internal self-fertilization and of oviposition by hermaphrodites of Rivulus marmoratus. Physiol. Zool. 36 (4): 325-341.

125. Rathburn, C. B., Jr. and A. J. Rogers. 1963. Thermal aerosol insecticide tests for the control of adult mosquitoes, 1961-62. Mosquito News 23 (3): 218-220.

126. Patterson, R. S. and D. L. von Windeguth. 1964. The effects of Baytex on some aquatic organisms. Mosquito News 4 (1): 46-49.

127. Lea, A. 0. 1963. Some relationships between environment, corpora allata, and egg maturation in aedine mosquitoes. J. Insect Physiol. 9 (6): 793-809.

128. Nielsen, E. T. 1963. Illumination at twilight. Oikos 14 (1): 9-21.

129. Rathburn, C. B., Jr., B. W. Clements, Jr. and A. J. Rogers. 1964. Comparative thermal aerosol tests with dietary and endocrine regulation of autogenous reproduction in Aedes taeniorhynchus (Wied.). J. med. Ent. 1 (1): 40-44.

137. Kallman, K. D. and R. W. Harrington, Jr. 1964. Evidence for the existence of homozygous clones in the self- fertilizing hermaphroditic teleost Rivulus marmoratus (Poey). Biol. Bull. 126 (1): 101-114.

138. Clements, B. W., Jr. and A. J. Rogers. 1964. Studies of impounding for the control of salt-marsh mosquitoes in Florida, 1958-1963. Mosquito News 24 (3): 265-276.

139. Rogers, A. J. and C. B. Rathburn, Jr. 1964. Present status of insecticides for mosquito control in Florida. Mosquito News 24 (3): 286-291.

140. Haeger, J. S. and M. W. Provost. 1965. Colonization and biology of Opifex fuscus. Trans. R. Soc. N.Z. 6 (3): 21-31.

141. Blickle, R. L. 1964. Horsemeat as food for rearing Diptera (Phoridae and Tabanidae). Fla Ent. 47 (1): 29-30.

142. Lea, A. 0. 1964. Selection for autogeny in Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae). Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 57 (5): 656-657.

143. Patterson, R. S. and D. L. von Windeguth. 1964. The use of Baytex as a midge larvicide. Mosquito News 24 (4): 393-396.

144. Lea, A. 0. 1965. Sugar-baited insecticide residues against mosquitoes. Mosquito News 25 (1): 65.

145. Pausch, R. D. and M. W. Provost. 1965. The dispersal of Aedes taeniorhynchus. IV. Controlled field production. Mosquito News 25 (1): 1-8.

146. Pausch, R. D. and M. W. Provost. 1965. The dispersal of Aedes taeniorhynchus. V. A controlled synchronous emergence. Mosquito News 25 (1): 9-14.

148. Patterson, R. S. 1964. Recent investigations on the use of BHC and EPN to control chironomid midges in Central Florida. Mosquito News 24 (3): 294-299.

149. Van Handel, E. 1965. Estimation of glycogen in small amounts of tissue. Analyt. Biochem. 11 (2): 256-265.

150. Van Handel, E. 1965. Microseparation of glycogen, sugars and lipids. Analyt. Biochem. 11 (2): 266-271.

151. Van Handel, E. and A. 0. Lea. 1965. Medial neurosecretory cells as regulators of glycogen and triglyceride synthesis. Science 149 (3681): 298-300.

152. Van Handel, E. 1966. Temperature independence of the composition of triglyceride fatty acids synthesized de novo by the mosquito. J. Lipid Res. 7 (1): 112-115.

153. Van Handel, E. 1965. The obese mosquito. J. Physiol. 181 (2): 478-486.

154. Provost, M. W., P. T. M. Lum and L. M. Bourinot. 1965. A constant-temperature mosquito-rearing apparatus. Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 58 (6): 937-938.

155. Clark, T. B., W. R. Kellen and P. T. M. Lum. 1965. A mosquito iridescent virus (MIV) from Aedes taeniorhynchus (Wiedemann). J. Invert. Pathol. 7 (4): 519-521.

156. Bidlingmayer, W. L. 1966. Use of the truck trap for evaluating adult mosquito populations. Mosquito News 26 (2): 139-143.

157. Bidlingmayer, W. L. 1967. A comparison of trapping methods for adult mosquitoes: Species response and environmental influence. J. med. Ent. 4 (2): 200-220.

158. Yount, J. L. 1966. A method for rearing large numbers of pond midge larvae, with estimates of productivity and standing crop. Am. Midl. Nat. 76 (1): 230-238.

159. Nielsen, E. T. and H. T. Nielsen. 1963. The swarming habits of some Danish mosquitoes. Ent. Meddr. 32: 99-170.

160. Van Handel, E. 1966. The thermal dependence of the rates of glycogen and triglyceride synthesis in the mosquito. J. exp. Biol. 44 (3): 523-528.

161. Nayar, J. K. 1966. A method of rearing salt-marsh mosquito larvae in a defined sterile medium. Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 59 (6): 1283-1285.

162. Harrington, R. W., Jr. 1966. Changes through one year in the growth rates of tarpon, Megalops atlanticus Valenciennes, reared from mid-metamorphosis. Bull. mar. Sci. Gulf Caribb. 16 (4): 863-883.

163. Lea, A. 0. 1967. The medial neurosecretory cells and egg maturation in mosquitoes. J. Insect Physiol. 13 (3): 419-429.

164. Nayar, J. K. 1967. Endogenous diurnal rhythm of pupation in a mosquito population. Nature, Lond. 214 (5090): 828-829.

165. Provost, M. W. and P. T. M. Lum. 1967. The pupation rhythm in Aedes taeniorhynchus (Diptera: Culicidae). I. Introduction. Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 60 (1): 138-149.

166. Provost, M. W. and J. S. Haeger. 1967. Mating and pupal attendance in Deinocerites cancer and comparisons with Opifex fuscus (Diptera: Culicidae). Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 60 (3): 565-574.

167. Harrington, R. W., Jr. 1967. Environmentally controlled induction of primary male gonochorists from eggs of the self-fertilizing hermaphroditic fish, Rivulus marmoratus Poey. Biol. Bull. 132 (2): 174-199.

168. Van Handel, E. 1967. Non-dependence of the saturation of depot fat on temperature and photoperiod in a hibernating mosquito. J. exp. Biol. 46 (3): 487-490.

169. Nayar, J. K. 1967. The pupation rhythm in Aedes taeniorhynchus (Diptera: Culicidae). II. Ontogenetic timing, rate of development and endogenous diurnal rhythm of pupation. Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 60 (5): 946-971.

170. Van Handel, E. 1967. Determination of fructose and fructose-yielding carbohydrates with cold anthrone. Analyt. Biochem. 19 (1): 193-194.

171. Bidlingmayer, W. L. and J. D. Edman. 1967. Vehicle mounted aspirators. Mosquito News 27 (3): 407-411.

172. Van Handel, E. 1968. Direct microdetermination of sucrose. Analyt. Biochem. 22 (2): 280-283.

173. Van Handel, E. 1968. Utilization of injected maltose and sucrose by insects: Evidence for non-intestinal oligosaccharidases. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 24 (2): 537-541.

174. Nayar, J. K. 1968. Biology of Culex nigripalpus Theobald (Diptera: Culicidae). Part 1: Effects of rearing conditions on growth and the diurnal rhythm of pupation and emergence. J. med. Ent. 5 (1): 39-46.

175. Nayar, J. K. 1968. The biology of Culex nigripalpus Theobald (Diptera: Culicidae). Part 2: Adult characteristics at emergence and adult survival without nourishment. J. med. Ent. 5 (2): 203-210.

176. Lum, P. T. M., J. K. Nayar and M. W. Provost. 1968. The pupation rhythm in Aedes taeniorhynchus. III. Factors in developmental synchrony. Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 61 (4): 889-899.

177. Harrington, R. W., Jr. 1968. Delimitation of the thermolabile phenocritical period of sex determination and differentiation in the ontogeny of the normally hermaphroditic fish Rivulus marmoratus Poey. Physiol. Zool. 41 (4): 447-460.

178. Edman, J. D., F. D. S. Evans and J. Williams. 1968. Development of a diurnal resting box to collect Culiseta melanura (Coq.). Am. J. trop. Med. Hyg. 17 (3): 451-456.

179. Lea, A. 0. 1968. Mating without insemination in virgin Aedes aegypti: J. Insect Physiol. 14 (3): 305-308.

180. Harrington, R. W., Jr. and K. D. Kallman. 1968. The homozygosity of clones of the self-fertilizing hermaphroditic fish, Rivulus marmoratus Poey (Cyprinodontidae, Atheriniformes). Am. Nat. 102 (926): 337-343.

181. Bidlingmayer, W. L. 1968. Larval development of mosquitoes in Central Florida. Mosquito News 28 (1): 51-57.

182. Kettle, D. S. and J. R. Linley. 1967. The biting habits of Leptoconops bequaerti. I. Methods; standardization of technique; preferences for individuals, limbs and positions. J. appl. Ecol. 4 (2): 379-395.

183. Kettle, D. S. and J. R. Linley. 1967. The biting habits of Leptoconops bequaerti. II. Effect of meteorological conditions on biting activity; 24 hour and seasonal cycles. J. appl. Ecol. 4 (2): 397-420.

184. Kale, H. W., II and V. Pantelidis. 1968. Seaside and sharp-tailed sparrows wintering at Fort Pierce Inlet. Fla Nat. 41 (1): 36.

185. Linley, J. R. 1968. Autogeny and polymorphism for wing length in Leptoconops becquaerti (Kieff.), (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). J. med. Ent. 5 (1): 53-66.

186. Linley, J. R. and F. D. S. Evans. 1968. A simple device to aid time-lapse studies with insects. Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 61 (3): 775-777.

187. Provost, M. W. 1968. Managing impounded salt marsh for mosquito control and estuarine resource conservation. In LSU Marsh and Estuary Symposium, 1967. pp. 163-171.

188. Nayar, J. K. 1968. The pupation rhythm in Aedes taeniorhynchus. IV. Further studies of the endogenous diurnal (circadian) rhythm of pupation. Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 61 (6): 1408-1417.

189. Edman, J. D. and D. J. Taylor. 1968. Culex nigripalpus: Seasonal shift in the bird-mammal feeding ratio in a mosquito vector of human encephalitis. Science 161 (3836): 67-68.

190. Van Handel, E. 1968. Trehalase and maltase in the serum of vertebrates. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 26 (2): 561-566.

191. Williams, J. A. and J. D. Edman. 1968. Occurrence of blood meals in two species of Corethrella in Florida. Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 61 (5): 1336.

192. Bidlingmayer, W. L. 1968. Control of adult mosquitoes with insecticides: Survey for adult mosquitoes. In "Ground Equipment and Insecticides for Mosquito Control." Am. Mosq. Control Assoc. Bull. No. 2. pp. 48-57.

193. Linley, J. R. 1968. Studies on the larval biology of Leptoconops becquaerti (Kieff.) (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). Bull. ent. Res. 58 (1): 1-24.

194. Kale, H. W., II. 1968. The relationship of Purple Martins to mosquito control. Auk 85 (4): 654-661.

195. Linley, J. R. 1968. Colonization of Culicoides furens. Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 61 (6): 1486-1490.

196. Nayar, J. K. and D. M. Sauerman, Jr. 1968. Larval aggregation formation and population density inter- relations in Aedes taeniorhynchus, their effects on pupal ecdysis and adult characteristics at emergence. Entomologia exp. appl. 11 (4): 423-442.

197. Nayar, J. K. 1969. Effects of larval and pupal environ- mental factors on biological status of adults at emergence in Aedes taeniorhynchus (Wied). Bull. ent. Res. 58 (4): 811-827.

198. Linley, J. R. and H. T. Nielsen. 1968. Transmission of a mosquito iridescent virus in Aedes taeniorhynchus. I. Laboratory experiments. J. Invert. Pathol. 12 (1): 7-16.

199. Linley, J. R. and H. T. Nielsen. 1968. Transmission of a mosquito iridescent virus in Aedes taeniorhynchus. II. Experiments related to transmission in nature. J. Invert. Pathol. 12 (1): 17-24.


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