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Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory

Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory

Print Publications 200 - 299

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200. Provost, M. W. 1969. The natural history of Culex nigripalpus, pp. 46-62 in "St. Louis Encephalitis in Florida." Fla St. Bd. Hlth Monogr. No. 12.

201. Evans, F. D. S. and H. T. Evans. 1968. A simple separator for mosquito larvae and pupae. Mosquito News 28 (4): 649-650.

202. Thomsen, E. and A. 0. Lea. 1969. Control of the medial neurosecretory cells by the corpus allatum in Calliphora erythrocephala. Gen. Comp. Endocr. 12 (1): 51-57.

203. Lea, A. 0. and E. Thomsen. 1969. Size independent secretion by the corpus allatum of Calliphora erythrocephala. J. Insect Physiol. 15 (3): 477-482.

204. O'Neal, J. and J. S. Haeger. 1969. A confining and positioning technique for photographing mosquitoes and other small aquatic animals at the water-air interface. Turtox News 47 (4): 130-132.

205. Lea, A. 0. 1969. Egg maturation in mosquitoes not regulated by the corpora allata. J. Insect Physiol. 15 (4): 537-541.

206. Van Handel, E. 1969. Do trehalose and trehalase function in renal glucose transport? Science 163 (3871): 1075-1076.

207. Provost, M. W. 1969. Man, mosquitos and birds. Fla Nat.42 (2): 63-67.

208. Kale, H. W., II and L. A. Webber. 1968. Thirty-second breeding-bird census: Live oak-cabbage palm coastal hammock. Audubon Fld Notes 22 (6): 676-680.

209. Kale, H. W., II and L. A. Webber. 1968. Thirty-second breeding-bird census: grove Oak-palm-hickory hammock and maple swamp. Audubon Fld Notes 22 (6): 680-684.

210. Kale, H. W., II and L. A. Webber. 1968. Thirty-second breeding-bird census: Citrus grove. Audubon Fld Notes 22 (6): 708-710.

211. Provost, M. W. 1969. Ecological control of salt marsh mosquitoes with side benefits to birds. Proc. Tall Timbers Conf. on Ecol. Anim. Control by Habitat Mgmt. pp. 193-206.

212. Van Handel, E. 1969. Metabolism of hexoses in the intact mosquito: Exclusion of glucose and trehalose as intermediates. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 29 (1): 413-421.

213. Kale, H. W., II, M. H. Hundley and J. A. Tucker. 1969. Tower-killed specimens and observations of migrant birds from Grand Bahama Island. Wilson Bull. 81 (3): 258-263.

214. Van Handel, E. 1969. The equilibrium reaction sorbitol fructose in the intact mosquito. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 29 3): 1023-1030.

215. Nayar, J. K. 1969. The pupation rhythm in Aedes taenio- rhynchus (Diptera: Culicidae). V. Physiology of growth and endogenous diurnal rhythm of pupation. Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 62 (5): 1079-1087.

216. Linley, J. R. 1969. Studies on larval development in Culicoides furens (Poey) (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). I. Establishment of a standard rearing technique. Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 62 (4): 702-711.

217. Nayar, J. K. and D. M. Sauerman, Jr. 1969. Flight behavior and phase polymorphism in the mosquito Aedes taeniorhynchus. Entomologia exp. appl. 12 (3): 365-375.

218. Edman, J. D. and W. L. Bidlingmayer. 1969. Flight capacity of blood-engorged mosquitoes. Mosquito News 29 (3): 386-392.

219. Kettle, D. S. and J. R. Linley. 1969. The biting habits of some Jamaican Culicoides. II. C. furens (Poey). Bull. ent. Res. 59 (1): 1-20.

220. Linley, J. R. 1969. Seasonal changes in larval populations of Leptoconops becquaerti (Kieff.)(Dipt., Ceratopogonidae) in Jamaica with observations on the ecology. Bull. ent. Res. 59 (1): 47-64.

221. Provost, M. W. 1972. The ecological relevance and migrational significance of the rhythm of pupation in Aedes taeniorhynchus (Wiedemann). Proc. 13 Int. Congr. Ent., Moscow (1968) 3: 228.

222. Kale, H. W., II and L. A. Webber. 1969. Three winter bird-population studies in Florida: Live oak-cabbage palm coastal hammock. Audubon Fld Notes 23 (3): 531-533.

223. Kale, H. W., II and L. A. Webber. 1969. Three winter bird-population studies in Florida: Oak-palm-hickory hammock and maple swamp. Audubon Fld Notes 23 (3): 533-535.

224. Kale, H. W., II and L. A. Webber. 1969. Three winter bird-population studies in Florida: Citrus grove. Audubon Fld Notes 23 (3): 547-549.

225. Nayar, J. K. and D. M. Sauerman, Jr. 1970. A comparative study of growth and development in Florida mosquitoes. Part 1: Effects of environmental factors on ontogenetic timings, endogenous diurnal rhythm and synchrony of pupation and emergence. J. med. Ent. 7 (2): 163-174.

226. Nayar, J. K. and D. M. Sauerman, Jr. 1970. A comparative study of growth and development in Florida mosquitoes. Part 2: Effects of larval nurture on adult characteristics at emergence. J. med. Ent. 7 (2): 235-241.

227. Linley, J. R., H. T. Evans and F. D. S. Evans. 1970. A quantitative study of autogeny in a naturally occurring population of Culicoides furens (Poey) (Diptera: Certapogondiae). J. Anim. Ecol. 39 (1): 169-183.

228. Bidlingmayer, W. L. 1969. The use of logarithms in analyzing trap collections. Mosquito News 29 (4): 635-640.

229. Dow, R. P. 1970. Larval habitat of Hippelates dissidens (Diptera: Chloropidae). Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 63 (3): 897-898.

230. Dow, R. P. and G. M. Gerrish. 1970. Day-to-day change in relative humidity and the activity of Culex nigripalpus (Diptera: Culicidae). Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 63 (4): 995-999.

231. Lea, A. 0. and E. Van Handel. 1970. Suppression of glycogen synthesis in the mosquito by a hormone from the medial neurosecretory cells. J. Insect Physiol. 16 (2): 319-321.

232. Kale, H. W., II. 1969. Still more comments on portable net poles. Inld Bird Band. News 41 (5): 172-173.

233. O'Meara, G. F. and G. J. Krasnick. 1970. Dietary and genetic control of the expression of autogenous reproduction in Aedes atropalpus (Coq.) (Diptera: Culicidae). J. med. Ent. 7 (3): 328-334.

234. Yount, J. L. and R. A. Crossman, Jr. 1970. Eutrophication control by plant harvesting. J. Wat. Pollut. Control Fed. 42 (5): R173-R183.

235. Kale, H. W., II and W. L. Jennings. 1970. A disposable cage for studies of pathogens in small wild birds. Am. J. trop. Med. Hyg. 19 (4): 733-734.

236. Meola, S. M. 1970. Sensitive paraldehyde-fuchsin technique for neurosecretory system of mosquitoes. Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 89 (1): 66-71.

237. Nayar, J. K. and D. M. Sauerman, Jr. 1970. A comparative study of growth and development in Florida mosquitoes. Part 3: Effects of temporary crowding on larval aggregation formation, pupal ecdysis and adult characteristics at emergence. J. med. Ent. 7 (5): 521-528.

238. Van Handel, E. and A. 0. Lea. 1970. Control of glycogen and fat metabolism in the mosquito. Gen. Comp. Endocr. 14 (2): 381-384.

239. Linley, J. R. 1970. Description of the pupa of Culicoides floridensis. Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 63 (4): 1016-1019.

240. Provost, M. W. 1970. Unwanted chemicals in man and environment. J. Fla med. Assoc. 57 (10): 15-18.

241. O'Meara, G. F. and G. B. Craig, Jr. 1970. Geographical variation in Aedes atropalpus (Diptera: Culicidae). Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 63 (5): 1392-1400.

242. Haeger, J. S. and G. F. O'Meara. 1970. Rapid incorporation of wild genotypes of Culex nigripalpus (Diptera: Culicidae) into laboratory-adapted strains. Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 63 (5): 1390-1391.

243. Edman, J. D. 1970. Rate of digestion of three human blood fractions in Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae). Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 63 (6): 1778-1779.

244. Edman, J. D. and A. A. Schmid. 1970. Comparison of precipitin-test results with mosquito blood-meals after prolonged storage under different conditions. J. med. Ent. 7 (5): 619-621.

245. Edman, J. D. 1970. Rate of digestion of vertebrate blood in Aedes aegypti (L.): effect of age, mating, and parity. Am. J. trop. Med. Hyg. 19 (6): 1031-1033.

246. Van Handel, E. 1971. Mannose metabolism: A comparison between the honeybee and the mosquito. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 38 (1B): 141-145.

247. Lea, A. 0. 1970. Endocrinology of egg maturation in autogenous and anautogenous Aedes taeniorhynchus. J. Insect Physiol. 16 (9): 1689-1696.

248. Linley, J. R., F. D. S. Evans and H. T. Evans. 1970. Seasonal emergence of Culicoides furens (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) at Vero Beach, Florida. Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 63 (5): 1332-1339.

249. Van Handel, E. 1970. Serum trehalase: Assay and normal values. Clinica Chim. Acta 29: 349-353.

250. Nayar, J. K. and E. Van Handel. 1971. The fuel for sustained mosquito flight. J. Insect Physiol. 17 (3): 471-481.

251. Webber, L. A. and H. W. Kale II. 1969. 33rd breeding bird census: Oak-Palm-hickory hammock and maple swamp. Audubon Fld Notes 23 (6): 751.

252. Webber, L. A. and H. W. Kale II. 1969. 33rd breeding bird census: Citrus grove. Audubon Fld Notes 23 (6): 744-745.

253. Taylor, D. J., A. L. Lewis, J. D. Edman and W. L. Jennings. 1971. California group arboviruses in Florida: host vector relations. Am. J. trop. Med. Hyg. 20 (1): 139-145.

254. Edman, J. D. and H. W. Kale II. 1971. Host behavior: Its influence on the feeding success of mosquitoes. Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 64 (2): 513-516.

255. Meola, S. M., A. 0. Lea and R. Meola. 1970. Corpus cardiacum: Induced fluctuation in paraldehyde-fuchsin material in Aedes sollicitans. Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 89 (3): 418-423.

256. Linley, J. R. 1970. The immature stages of Culicoides arboricola Root and Hoffman (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). J. med. Ent. 7 (6): 717-721.

257. O'Meara, G. F. and G. B. Craig, Jr. 1970. A new subspecies of Aedes atropalpus (Coquillettt) from southwestern United States (Diptera: Culicidae). Proc. ent. Soc. Wash. 72 (4): 475-479.

258. Linley, J. R. and J. B. Davies. 1971. Sandflies and tourism in Florida and the Bahamas and Caribbean area. J. econ. Ent. 64 (1): 264-278.

259. Dow, R. P. 1971. The dispersal of Culex nigripalpus marked with high concentrations of radiophosphorus. J. med. Ent. 8 (4): 353-363.

260. Nayar, J. K. and D. M. Sauerman, Jr. 1971. The effect of light regimes on the circadian rhythm of flight activity in the mosquito Aedes taeniorhynchus. J. exp. Biol. 54 (3): 745-756.

261. O'Meara, G. F. and E. Van Handel. 1971. Triglyceride metabolism in thermally-feminized males of Aedes aegypti. J. Insect Physiol. 17 (8):1411-1413.

262. Meola, R. and A. 0. Lea. 1971. Independence of paraldehyde-fuchsin staining of the corpus cardiacum and the presence of the neurosecretory hormone required for egg development in the mosquito. Gen. Comp. Endocr. 16 (1): 105-111.

263. Linley, J. R. and G. M. Adams. 1971. Form and function of the spermatophore in Culicoides melleus (Coq.) (Dipt., Ceratopogonidae). Bull. ent. Res. 60 (3): 427-430.

264. Nayar, J. K. and D. M. Sauerman, Jr. 1971. Physiological effects of carbohydrates on survival, metabolism and flight potential of female Aedes taeniorhynchus. J. Insect Physiol. 17 (11): 2221-2233.

265. Nayar, J. K. and E. Van Handel. 1971. Flight performance and metabolism of the moth Spodoptera frugiperda. J. Insect Physiol. 17 (12): 2475-2479.

266. Nayar, J. K. and D. M. Sauerman, Jr. 1971. The effects of diet on life-span, fecundity and flight potential of Aedes taeniorhynchus adults. J. med. Ent. 8 (5): 506-513.

267. Harrington, R. W., Jr. 1971. How ecological and genetic factors interact to determine when self-fertilizing hermaphrodites of Rivulus marmoratus change into functional secondary males, with a reappraisal of the modes of intersexuality among fishes. Copeia 1971 (3): 389-432.

268. Bidlingmayer, W. L. 1971. Mosquito flight paths in relation to the environment. 1. Illumination levels, orientation and resting areas. Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 64 (5): 1121-1131.

269. Nayar, J. K. and E. Van Handel. 1972. Utilization of injected glucose by the tsetse fly (Glossina) and the stable fly (Stomoxys). J. Insect Physiol. 18 (1): 105-107.

270. Linley, J. R. and D. G. Evans. 1971. Behavior of Aedes taeniorhynchus larvae and pupae in a temperature gradient. Entomologia exp. appl. 14 (3): 319-332.

271. Dow, R. P. and C. D. Morris. 1972. Wind factors in the operation of a cylindrical bait trap for mosquitoes. J. med. Ent. 9 (1): 60-66.

272. Van Handel, E. and J. K. Nayar. 1972. Turn-over of diglycerides during flight and rest in the moth Spodoptera frugiperda. Insect Biochem. 2 (1): 8-12.

273. O'Meara, G. F. 1972. Polygenic regulation of fecundity in autogenous Aedes atropalpus. Entomologia exp. appl. 15 (1): 81-89.

274. Kale, H. W., II. 1972. A high concentration of Cryptotis parva in a forest in Florida. J. Mammal. 53 (1): 216-218.

275. Provost, M. W. 1973. Mosquito flight and night relative humidity in Florida. Fla Scient. (Formerly Q. J. Fla Acad. Sci.) 36 (2-4): 217-225.

276. Edman, J. D. and A. 0. Lea. 1972. Sexual behavior of mosquitoes. 2. Large-scale rearing and marking of Culex for field experiments. Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 65 (1) 267-269.

277. Provost, M. W. 1973. Mean high water mark and use of tidelands in Florida. Fla Scient. (Formerly Q. J. Fla Acad Sci.) 36 (1): 50-66.

278. Knight, J. W. and J. S. Haeger. 1971. Key to adults of the Culex subgenera Melanoconion and Mochlostyrax of Eastern North America. J. med. Ent. 8 (5): 551-555.

279. Edman, J. D. 1971. Host-feeding patterns of Florida mosquitoes. I. Aedes, Anopheles, Coquillettidia, Mansonia, and Psorophora. J. med. Ent. 8 (6): 687-695.

280. Lea, A. O. and J. D. Edman. 1972. Sexual behavior of mosquitoes. 3. Age dependence of insemination of Culex nigripalpus and C. pipiens quinquefasciatus in nature. Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 65 (2): 290-293.

281. Wilson, N. and H. W. Kale, II. 1972. Ticks collected from Indian River County, Florida (Acari: Metastigmata: Ixodidae). Fla Ent. 55 (1): 53-58.

282. Nayar, J. K. 1972. Effects of constant and fluctuating temperatures on life span of Aedes taeniorhynchus adults. J. Insect Physiol. 18 (7): 1303-1313.

283. Harrington, R. W., Jr. and E. S. Harrington. 1972. Food of female marsh killifish, Fundulus confluentus Goode and Bean, in Florida. Am. Midl. Nat. 87 (2): 492-502.

284. Lea, A. 0. and D. G. Evans. 1972. Sexual behavior of mosquitoes. 1. Age dependence of copulation and insemination in the Culex pipiens complex and Aedes taeniorhynchus in the laboratory. Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 65 (2): 285-289.

285. Kale, H. W. 1972. The care of orphaned birds. Fla Nat. 45 (2): 44-48.

286. Van Handel, E. and J. K. Nayar. 1972. Direct use of carbohydrates during sustained flight in the moth Spodoptera frugiperda. Insect Biochem. 2 (6): 203-208.

287. Linley, J. R. and G. M. Adams. 1972. Ecology and behaviour of immature Culicoides melleus (Coq.) (Dipt., Ceratopogonidae). Bull. ent. Res. 62 (1): 113-127.

288. Lindsey, C. C. and R. W. Harrington, Jr. 1972. Extreme vertebral variation induced by temperature in a homozygous clone of the self-fertilizing cyprinodontid fish Rivulus marmoratus. Can. J. Zool. 50 (6): 733-744.

289. Provost, M. W. 1972. Environmental hazards in the control of disease vectors. Envir. Ent. 1 (3): 333-339.

290. Van Handel, E., J. S. Haeger and C. W. Hansen. 1972. The sugars of some Florida nectars. Am. J. Bot. 59 (10): 1030-1032.

291. Edman, J. D., L. A. Webber and H. W. Kale II. 1972. Effect of mosquito density on the interrelationship of host behavior and mosquito feeding success. Am. J. trop. Med. Hyg. 21 (4): 487-491.

292. Webber, L. A. and J. D. Edman. 1972. Anti-mosquito behaviour of Ciconiiform birds. Anim. Behav. 20 (2): 228-232.

293. Edman, J. D., J. S. Haeger, W. L. Bidlingmayer, R. P. Dow, J. K. Nayar, and M. W. Provost. 1972. Sexual behavior of mosquitoes. 4. Field observations on mating and insemination of marked broods of Aedes taeniorhynchus. Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 65 (4): 848-852.

294. Nayar, J. K. and D. M. Sauerman, Jr. 1973. A comparative study of growth and development in Florida mosquitoes. Part 4. Effects of temporary crowding during larval stages on female flight activity patterns. J. med. Ent. 10 (1): 37-42.

295. Provost, M. W. 1973. Environmental quality and the control of biting flies. In Biting fly control and environmental quality. (Proceedings of a symposium held at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, May 16-18, 1972):1-7. Defence Research Board, Ottawa.

296. Nayar, J. K. and D. M. Sauerman, Jr. 1974. Circadian rhythms in Florida mosquitoes, pp. 607-611 in Chronobiology: Proc. Int. Soc. Study of Biol. Rhythms, Little Rock, Arkansas. Eds. L. E. Scheving, F. Halberg and J. E. Pauly. Igaku Shoin, Ltd., Tokyo.

297. Edman, J. D., L. A. Webber and H. W. Kale II. 1972. Host-feeding patterns of Florida mosquitoes. II. Culiseta. J. med. Ent. 9 (5): 429-434.

298. Van Handel, E. 1972. The detection of nectar in mosquitoes. Mosquito News 32 (3): 458.

299. Kale, H. W., J. D. Edman and L. A. Webber. 1972. Effect of behavior and age of individual ciconiiform birds on mosquito feeding success. Mosquito News 32 (3): 343-350.