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Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory

Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory

Print Publications 300 - 399

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300. Linley, J. R. and G. M. Adams. 1972. A study of the mating behaviour of Culicoides melleus (Coquillett) (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). Trans. R. ent. Soc. Lond. 124 (2): 81-121.

301. Van Handel, E. 1972. Simple biological and chemical methods to determine the caloric reserves of mosquitoes. Mosquito News 32 (4): 589-591.

302. Frank, J. H. 1972. The genus Oligota Mannerheim in the Caribbean region (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Coleopts Bull. 26 (4): 125-146.

303. Nayar, J. K. and D. M. Sauerman., Jr. 1972. Flight performance and fuel utilization as a function of age in female Aedes taeniorhynchus. Israel J. Ent. 7: 27-35.

304. Kale, H. W., II. 1970. The spring migration, April 1, 1970 to May 31, 1970: Florida region. Audubon Fld Notes 24 (4): 591-595.

305. Kale, H. W., II. 1971. The spring migration, April 1, 1971, May 31, 1971: Florida region. Am. Birds 25 (4): 723-735.

306. Kale, H. W., II. 1972. The spring migration, April 1, 1972 to May 31, 1972: Florida region. Am. Birds 26 (4): 751-754.

307. Nayar, J. K., W. A. Samarawickrema and D. M. Sauerman, Jr. 1973. Photoperiodic control of egg hatching in the mosquito, Mansonia titillans. Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 66 (4): 831-835.

308. O'Meara, G. F. and D. G. Evans. 1974. Female-dependent stenogamy in the mosquito, Aedes taeniorhynchus. Anim. Behav. 22 (2): 376-381.

309. Van Handel, E. 1973. Temperature dependence of caloric expenditure and mortality in the starving mosquito. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 44 (4A): 1321-1323.

310. Kale, H. W., II. 1973. House Finch nests abandoned after snow. Wilson Bull. 85: 87.

311. O'Meara, G. F. and D. G. Evans. 1973. Blood-feeding requirements of the mosquito; Geographical variation in Aedes taeniorhynchus. Science 180 (4092): 1291-1293.

312. Nayar, J. K. and D. M. Sauerman, Jr. 1973. A comparative study of flight performance and fuel utilization as a function of age in females of Florida mosquitoes. J. Insect Physiol. 19 (10): 1977-1988.

313. Romoser, W. S. and M. E. Rothman. 1973. The presence of peritrophic membrane in pupal mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae). J. med. Ent. 10 (3): 312-314.

314. Bidlingmayer, W. L. and D. G. Hem. 1973. Sugar feeding by Florida mosquitoes. Mosquito News 33 (4): 535-538.

315. Nayar, J. K. and D. M. Sauerman, Jr. 1974. Osmoregulation in larvae of the salt-marsh mosquito, Aedes taenio- rhynchus. Entomologia exp. appl. 17 (3): 367-380.

316. Nayar, J. K. and D. M. Sauerman, Jr. 1974. Long-term regulation of sucrose intake by the female mosquito, Aedes taeniorhynchus. J. Insect Physiol. 20: (7): 1203-1208.

317. Kale, H. W., II. 1973. Spring migration report: Florida region. Am. Birds 27 (4):761-765.

318. Hinds, M. J. and J. R. Linley. 1974. Changes in male potency with age after emergence in the fly Culicoides melleus. J. Insect Physiol. 20 (6): 1037-1040.

319. Skye, G. E. and E. Van Handel. 1974. Malate synthase in insects. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 49 (lB): 83-86.

320. Linley, J. R. and G. M. Adams. 1974. Sexual receptivity in Culicoides melleus (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). Trans. R. ent. Soc. Lond. 126 (3): 279-303.

321. Linley, J. R. and M. J. Hinds. 1974. Male potency in Culicoides melleus (Coq.) (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae). Bull. ent. Res. 64 (1): 123-128.

322. Kale, H. W., II. 1974. The status of the White-tailed Kite in Florida. Fla Fld Nat. 2 (1): 4-7.

323. Woolfenden, G. E. and H. W. Kale II. 1974. A Black-capped Petrel specimen from Florida. Fla Fld Nat 2 (1): 17-19.

324. Maxwell, G. R. and H. W. Kale II. 1974. Population estimate of breeding birds on a spoil island in the Indian River, Indian River County, Florida. Fla Fld Nat. 2 (2): 32-39.

325. Bidlingmayer, W. L. 1974. The influence of environmental factors and physiological stage on flight patterns of mosquitoes taken in the vehicle aspirator and truck, suction, bait and New Jersey light traps. J. med. Ent. 11 (2): 119-146.

326. Provost, M. W. 1974. Salt marsh management in Florida. Proc. Tall Timbers Conf. on Ecol. Anim. Control by Habitat Mgmt. (1973). pp 5-17.

327. Edman, J. D. 1974. Host-feeding patterns of Florida mosquitoes. III. Culex (Culex) and Culex (Neoculex). J. med. Ent. 11 (1): 95-104.

328. Edman, J. D. 1974. Host-feeding patterns of Florida mosquitoes. IV. Deinocerites. J. med. Ent. 11 (1): 105-107.

329. Nayar, J. K. and D. M. Sauerman, Jr. 1975. The effects of nutrition on survival and fecundity in Florida mosquitoes. Part l. Utilization of sugar for survival. J. med. Ent. 12 (1): 92-98.

330. Nayar, J. K. and D. M. Sauerman, Jr. 1975. The effects of nutrition on survival and fecundity in Florida mosquitoes. Part 2. Utilization of a blood meal for survival. J. med. Ent. 12 (1): 99-103.

331. Linley, J. R. and L. Cheng. 1974. The grooming organs of Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). Mosquito News 34 (2): 204-206.

332. Harrington, R. W., Jr. 1974. Sex determination and differentiation in fishes, pp. 4-12, in Control of Sex in Fishes. Ed. Carl B. Schreck. Sea Grant and V.P.I. & S.U. Press. V.P.I.- SG-74-01. 106 p.

333. Edman, J. D., L. A. Webber and A. A. Schmid. 1974. Effect of host defenses on the feeding pattern of Culex nigripalpus when offered a choice of blood sources. J. Parasit. 60 (5): 874-883.

334. Nayar, J. K. and D. M. Sauerman, Jr. 1975. The effects of nutrition on survival and fecundity in Florida mosquitoes. Part 3. Utilization of blood and sugar for fecundity. J. med. Ent. 12 (2): 220-225.

335. Romoser, W. S. 1974. Peritrophic membranes in the midgut of pupal and pre-blood meal adult mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae). J. med. Ent. 11 (4): 397-402.

336. Van Handel, E. 1974. Lipid utilization during sustained flight of moths. J. Insect Physiol. 20 (12): 2329-2332.

337. Harrington, R. W., Jr. 1975. Sex determination and differentiation among uniparental homozygotes of the hermaphroditic fish Rivulus marmoratus (Cyprinodontidae: Atheriniformes), pp. 249-262 in Intersexuality in the Animal Kingdom (R. Reinboth, ed.). Berlin-Heidelberg-New York. Springer-Verlag.

338. Bidlingmayer, W. L. 1975. Mosquito flight paths in relation to the environment. Effect of vertical and horizontal visual barriers. Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 68 (1): 51-57.

339. Bidlingmayer, W. L., B. P. Franklin, A. M. Jennings and E. F. Cody. 1974. Mosquito flight paths in relation to the environment. Influence of blood meals, ovarian stage and parity. Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 67 (6): 919-927.

340. Evans, F. D. S. 1975. A low-cost multiple recorder for behavioral research. Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 68 (3): 398-400.

341. Frank, J. H. 1975. A revision of the New World species of the genus Erichsonius Fauvel (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Coleopts Bull. 29 (3): 177-203.

342. Kale, H. W., II. 1975. Additional records of autumnal breeding of Boat-tailed Grackles in Florida. Fla Fld Nat. 3(1): 5-8.

344. Kale, H. W., II. 1974. Spring migration, April 1- May 31, 1974: Florida region. Am. Birds 28 (4): 790-794.

345. Linley, J. R. and M. S. Mook. 1975. Behavioural interaction between sexually experienced Culicoides melleus (Coquillett) (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). Behaviour 54 (1-2): 97-110.

346. Linley, J. R. and M. J. Hinds. 1975. Quantity of male ejaculate influenced by female unreceptivity in the fly, Culicoides melleus. J. Insect Physiol. 21 (2):281-285.

347. O'Meara, G. F. 1975. Lethal traits associated with the bleached-eye color mutant of Aedes taeniorhynchus. Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 68 (1): 157-162.

348. Provost, M. W. 1977. Mosquito Control, pp. 666-671 in Coastal Ecosystem Management. A Technical Manual for the Conservation of Coastal Zone Resources. Ed. John R. Clark (The Conservation Foundation). John Wiley & Sons, N.Y. x + 928 pp.

349. Edman, J. D. and J. S. Haeger. 1974. Dragonflies attracted to and selectively feeding on concentrations of mosquitoes. Fla Ent. 57 (4): 408.

350. Van Handel, E. 1975. Direct determination of uric acid in fecal material. Biochem. Med. 12: 92-93.

251. O'Meara, G. F., J. W. Knight and D. G. Evans. 1974. Experimental hybridization between Aedes sollicitans (Walker) and Aedes mitchellae (Dyar). Mosquito News 34 (4): 457-461.

252. Edman, J. D. and H. C. Lynn. 1975. Relationship between blood meal volume and ovarian development in Culex nigripalpus (Diptera: Culicidae). Entomologia exp. appl. 18 (4): 492-496.

253. Edman, J. D., E. Cody and H. Lynn. 1975. Blood-feeding activity of partially engorged Culex nigripalpus (Diptera: Culicidae). Entomologia exp. appl. 18 (3): 261-268.

354. Linley, J. R. 1975. Termination of copulation and associated behaviour in Culicoides melleus (Coq.) (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae). Bull. ent. Res. 65 (1): 143-156.

355. Linley, J. R. and M. J. Hinds. 1975. Sperm loss at copulation in Culicoides melleus. J. Ent. (A) 50 (1): 37-41.

356. Massaro, E. J., J. C. Massaro and R. W. Harrington, Jr. 1975. Biochemical comparison of genetically different homozygous clones (isogenic, uniparental lines) of the self-fertilizing fish, Rivulus marmoratus Poey, pp. 439-453 in Isozymes, Vol. III, Developmental Biology (C.L. Markert, ed.). Proc. 13 Int. Congr. on Isozymes, Yale Univ. (1974). Academic Press, N.Y.

357. Coluzzi, M. and J. B. Kitzmiller. 1975. Anopheline mosquitoes, pp. 285-309 in Handbook of Genetics, Vol. 3. Ed. R. C. King. Plenum Press, N.Y. v + 874 pp.

358. Kitzmiller, J. B. 1976. Genetics, cytogenetics and evolution of mosquitoes, pp. 315-433 in Advances in Genetics, Vol. 18. Ed. E. Caspari. Academic Press, N.Y. 448 pp.

359. Rabbani, M. G. and J. B. Kitzmiller. 1974. X-ray induced inversions in Anopheles albimanus. Mosquito News 34 (4): 472-474.

360. Rabbani, M. G. and J. B. Kitzmiller. 1975. Studies on X-ray induced chromosomal translocations in Anopheles albimanus. I. Chromosomal translocations and genetic control. Am. J. trop. Med. Hyg. 24 (6): 1019-1026.

361. Sykes, P. W., Jr. and H. W. Kale, II. 1974. Everglades kites feed on nonsnail prey. Auk 91 (4): 818-820.

262. Romoser, W. S. and E. Cody. 1975. The formation and fate of the peritrophic membrane in adult Culex nigripalpus (Diptera: Culicidae). J. med. Ent. 12 (3): 371-378.

363. Kale, H. W., II. 1975. Extension of winter range of Telmatodytes palustris waynei to Georgia and Florida. Auk 92 (4): 806-807.

364. Nayar, J. K. and D. M. Sauerman, Jr. 1975. Flight and feeding behavior of autogenous and anautogenous strains of the mosquito Aedes taeniorhynchus. Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 68 (5): 791-796.

365. Nayar, J. K. and D. M. Sauerman, Jr. 1975. Physiological basis of host susceptibility of Florida mosquitoes to Dirofilaria immitis. J. Insect Physiol. 21 (12): 1965-1975.

366. O'Meara, G. F. and J. D. Edman. 1975. Autogenous egg production in the salt-marsh mosquito, Aedes taenio- rhynchus. Biol. Bull. 149 (2): 384-396.

367. Kreutzer, R. D., J. B. Kitzmiller and M. G. Rabbani. 1975. The salivary gland chromosomes of Anopheles argyritarsis compared with those of certain other species in the subgenus Nyssorhynchus. Mosquito News 35 (3): 354-365.

368. Rabbani, M. G. and J. B. Kitzmiller. 1975. Studies on X-ray induced chromosomal translocations in Anopheles albimanus. II. Laboratory evaluation of sexual competitiveness of translocation males. Am. J. trop. Med. Hyg. 24 (6): 1027-1030.

369. Edman, J. D. and L. A. Webber. 1975. Effect of vertebrate size and density on host-selection by caged Culex nigripalpus. Mosquito News 35 (4): 508-512.

370. Linley, J. R. 1975. Sperm supply and its utilization in doubly inseminated flies, Culicoides melleus (Diptera). J. Insect Physiol. 21 (11): 1785-1788.

371. Frank, J. H. 1975. New records of Oligota Mannerheim (Staphylinidae) in Florida. Coleopts. Bull. 29 (4): 279-280.

372. Rabbani, M. G. and J. B. Kitzmiller. 1976. Studies on X-ray induced chromosomal translocations in Anopheles albimanus. III. Effect of the release of translocation males on the dynamics of cage populations. Am. J. trop. Med. Hyg. 25 (1): 191-198.

373. Harrington, R. W., Jr. and R. A. Crossman, Jr. 1976. Effects of temperature and sex genotype on meristic counts of the gonochoristic cyprinodontid fish Rivulus cylindraceus Poey. Can. J. Zool. 54 (2): 245-254.

374. O'Meara, G. F. and D. G. Evans. 1976. The influence of mating on autogenous egg development in the mosquito, Aedes taeniorhynchus. J. Insect Physiol. 22 (4): 613- 617.

375. Frank, J. H. 1976. Platystethus spiculus Er. (Staphylinidae) in Florida. Coleopts. Bull. 30 (2): 157-158.

376. Frank, J. H., G. A. Curtis and H. T. Evans. 1976. On the bionomics of bromeliad-inhabiting mosquitoes. I. Some factors influencing oviposition by Wyeomyia vanduzeei. Mosquito News 36 (1): 25-30.

377. Van Handel, E. 1976. Metabolism of the "Lovebug" Plecia nearctica (Diptera: Bibionidae). Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 69 (2): 215-216.

378. Van Handel, E. 1976. The chemistry of egg maturation in the unfed mosquito Aedes atropalpus. J. Insect Physiol. 22 (4): 521-522.

379. Linley, J. R. 1976. Biting midges of mangrove swamps and saltmarshes (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), pp 335-376, in Marine Insects, Ed. L. Cheng. North-Holland Publishing Co. xii + 581 pp.

380. O'Meara, G. F. 1976. Saltmarsh mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae), pp. 303-333, in Marine Insects, Ed. L. Cheng. North-Holland Publishing Co. xii+ 581 pp.

381. Rabbani, M. G., J. A. Seawright and J. B. Kitzmiller. 1976. The genetics of black larva, an autosomal recessive lethal mutation located on chromosome 3 in the mosquito Anopheles albimanus. Can. J. Genet. Cytol. 18 (1): 51-56.

382. Provost, M. W. 1974. The zoogeography of mosquitoes in Florida, pp. 167 in Proc. 42 a. Conf. Mosq. Assoc. and 30 a. Mtg. Am. Mosq. Cont. Assoc. ii + 203 pp. (Abstract.)

383. Harrington, R. W., Jr. and R. A. Crossman, Jr. 1976. Temperature-induced meristic variation among three homozygous genotypes (clones)of the self-fertilizing fish Rivulus marmoratus. Can. J. Zool. 54 (7): 1143-1155.

384. Nayar, J. K. and D. M. Sauerman, Jr. 1977. Effects of nutrition on survival and fecundity in Florida mosquitoes. Part 4. Effects of blood source on oocyte development. J. med. Ent. 14 (2): 167-174.

385. Nayar, J. K. and P. A. Pierce. 1977. Utilization of energy reserves during survival after emergence in Florida mosquitoes. J. med. Ent. 14 (1): 54-59.

386. Linley, J. R. and M. J. Hinds. 1976. Seasonal changes in size, female fecundity and male potency in Culicoides melleus (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). J. med. Ent. 13 (2): 151-156.

387. Provost, M. W. 1976. Tidal datum planes circum- scribing salt marshes. Bull. mar. Sci. 26 (4): 558-563.

388. Kitzmiller, J. B., R. D. Kreutzer and M. G. Rabbani. 1976. Cytotaxonomy and salivary gland chromosomes of Anopheles (Stethomyia) kompi. Mosquito News 36 (4): 483-487.

389. Rabbani, M. G., J. A. Seawright and J. B. Kitzmiller. 1977. X-ray induced pericentric inversions in Anopheles albimanus. Can. J. Genet. Cytol. 19 (1): 67-74.

390. Bidlingmayer, W. L. 1976. Investigations of visual responses of mosquitoes, p. 22 in Proc. 47 a. Mtg. Fla Anti-Mosq. Assoc. 40 pp. (Abstract.)

391 O'Meara, G. F. 1976. Reproductive biology of salt-marsh mosquitoes, pp. 21 in Proc. 47 a. Mtg. Fla Anti-Mosq. Assoc. 40 pp. (Abstract.)

392. Provost, M. W. 1976. Mansonia mosquitoes: Generations per year in Florida, pp. 24-27 in Proc. 47 a. Mtg. Fla Anti-Mosq. Assoc. 40 pp. (Abstract.)

393. Kitzmiller, J. B., M. G. Rabbani and R. D. Kreutzer. 1975. Cytotaxonomy of neotropical anophelines. (Abstract.) Genetics 80 (3): s47-48.

394. Kitzmiller, J. B., R. D. Kreutzer and M. G. Rabbani. 1976. Correlation of X-chromosome banding patterns and taxonomic characters in Anopheles mosquitoes. Genetics 83 (3): s40. (Abstract)

395. Kreutzer, R. D., J. B. Kitzmiller and M. G. Rabbani. 1976. Salivary gland chromosomes of Anopheles norestensis, subgenus Nyssorhynchus. Genetics 83 (3): s4l. (Abstract.)

396. Young, M. D., J. K. Nayar and D. J. Forrester. 1977. Mosquito transmission of wild turkey malaria, Plasmodium hermani. J. Wildl. Dis. 13: 168-169.

397. Bidlingmayer, W. L. 1977. Sampling a population of Aedes taeniorhynchus in a large outdoor cage. Entomologia exp. appl. 21 (2): 137-154.

398. Frank, J. H. 1977. Myrmecosaurus ferrugineus, an Argentinian beetle from fire ant nests in the United States. Fla Ent. 60 (1): 31-36.

399. Borovsky, Dov and E. Van Handel. 1977. A specific radio-immunoassay for vitellogenesis in mosquitoes. J. Insect Physiol. 23 (6): 655-658.