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Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory

Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory

Print Publications 700 - 799

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700. Carlson, D. A. and D. Borovsky. 1989. Advances in tandem mass spectrometry, peptide and protein sequencing, pp. 54-63 in Host Regulated Developmental Mechanisms in Vector Arthropods, Proc. 2nd Vero Beach Symp., February 13-16, 1989, D, Borovsky and A. Spielman, editors. IFAS- University of Florida, Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory, Vero Beach, Florida.

701. Nayar, J. K. , D. Brock, J. W. Knight and T. J. Bradley. 1989. Distinguishing susceptible and refractory strains of Aedes aegypti (Vero Beach) to Dirofilaria immitis by analysis of isozyme variation, pp. 171-178 in Host Regulated Developmental Mechanisms in Vector Arthropods, Proc. 2nd Vero Beach Symp., February 13-16, 1989, D. Borovsky and A. Spielman, editors. IFAS - University of Florida, Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory, Vero Beach, Florida.

702. O'Meara, G. F. 1989. Gonotrophic interactions in mosquitoes: Laboratory versus field studies, pp. 41-43 in Host Regulated Developmental Mechanisms in Vector Arthropods, Proc. 2nd Vero Beach Symp., February 13-16, 1989, D. Borovsky and A. Spielman, editors. IFAS- University of Florida, Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory, Vero Beach, Florida.

703. Penneys, N. S., J. K. Nayar, H. Bernstein, J. W. Knight and C. Leonard. 1989. Mosquito salivary gland antigens identified by circulating human antibodies. Arch. Dermatol. 125: 219-222.

704. Tesh, R. B. and D. Borovsky. 1989. Trypsin and chymo- trypsinlike enzyme as a potential taxonomic tool of Leishmania, pp. 108-114 in Host Regulated Developmental Mechanisms in Vector Arthropods, Proc. 2nd Vero Beach Symp., February 13-16, 1989, D. Borovsky and A. Spielman, editors. IFAS - University of Florida, Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory, Vero Beach, Florida.

705. Chan, K. L. and J. R. Linley. 1989. A new Florida species of Forcipomyia (Euprojannisia) (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) from leaves of the water lettuce, Pistia stratiotes. Fla Ent. 72 (2): 252-262.

706. Shroyer, D. A. 1989. A mechanical aspirator for the safe transfer of arbovirus-infected mosquitoes within containment chambers. J. Am. Mosq. Control Assoc. 5 (2): 269-271.

707. Linley, J. R. and G. Clark. 1989. Egg of A and protein content of mosquitoes. J. Am. Mosq. Control Assoc. 5 (2): 180-182.

710. Penneys, N. S., J. K. Nayar, H. Bernstein and J. W. Knight. 1989. Chronic pruritic eruption in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome associated with increased antibody titers to mosquito salivary gland antigens. J. Am. Acad. Dermatol. 21 (2), pt. 2: 421-425.

711. Linley, J. R. 1989. Scanning electron microscopy of the egg of Aedes (Protomacleaya) triseriatus (Diptera: Culicidae). J. med. Ent. 26 (5): 474-478.

712. Linley, J. R. and D. Duzak. 1989. Egg cannibalism and carnivory among three species of Toxorhynchites. J. Am. Mosq. Control Assoc. 5 (3): 359-362.

713. Linley, J. R. 1989. Tergal spines of Mansonia titillans and Ma. dyari (Diptera: Culicidae) and their effect on a leaf surface during oviposition. J. med. Ent. 26 (5): 402-406.

714. Lounibos, L. P. and L. B. DeWald. 1989. Oviposition site selection by Mansonia mosquitoes on water lettuce. Ecol. Ent. 14: 413-422.

715. O'Meara, G. F., J. E. Juliana and D. B. Carlson. 1989. Factors affecting the abundance of Aedes taeniorhynchus and Aedes sollicitans. (Abstract) Bull. Fla Anti-Mosq. Assoc. 1: 7.

716. Rao, U. R., B. H. Kwa, J. K. Nayar and A. C. Vickery. 1989. Lectin-binding to larval stages of Brugia patei. Int'l. J. Parasit. 19: 689-690.

717. Linley, J. R. 1989. Egg cannibalism in Toxorhynchites r. rutilus. J. Fla Anti-Mosq. Assoc. 60 (1): 21-22.

718. Linley, J. R. 1989. Laboratory tests of the effects of p-cresol and 4-methylcyclohexanol on oviposition by three species of Toxorhynchites mosquitoes. Med. Vet. Ent. 3: 347-352.

719. Linley, J. R. 1989. Comparative fine structure of the eggs of Aedes albopictus, Ae. aegypti and Ae. bahamensis (Diptera: Culicidae). J. med. Ent. 26 (6): 510-521.

720. O'Meara, G. F., F. E. Vose and D. B. Carlson. 1989. Environmental factors influencing oviposition by Culex (Culex) (Diptera: Culicidae) in two types of traps. J. med. Ent. 26 (6): 528-534.

721. Rey, J. R., M. S. Peterson, T. Kain and F. Vose. 1989. Effects of rotary ditching on fish and physical conditions at the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge. Bull. Fla Anti-Mosq. Assoc. 1: 19. (Abstract)

722. Rey, J. R., R. Crossman, J. Shaffer, T. Kain and D. Tremain. 1989. Vegetation dynamics in impounded and unimpounded marshes along the Indian River Lagoon in east-central Florida. (Abstract.) Bull. Fla Anti-Mosq. Assoc. 1: 11-12.

723. Shroyer, D. A. 1989. Salt marsh mosquitoes and disease(?). (Abstract.) Bull. Fla Anti-Mosq. Assoc. 1: 5-6.

724. Lounibos, L. P. 1989. The Maurice W. Provost Memorial Award--1988. J. Fla Anti-Mosq. Assoc. 60 (1): 30-31.

725. Mahmood, F. and J. K. Nayar. 1989. Effects of Dirofilaria immitis (Nematoda: Filarioidea) infection on life table characteristics of susceptible and refractory strains of Aedes aegypti (Vero Beach) (Diptera: Culicidae). Fla Ent. 72 (4): 567-578.

726. Mahmood, F. and J. K. Nayar. 1989. Effects of Dirofilaria immitis (Nematoda: Filarioidea) infection on rate of diuresis in susceptible and refractory strains of Aedes aegypti (Vero Beach) (Diptera: Culicidae). Fla Ent. 72 (4): 579-585.

727. Van Handel, E. 1989. The Maurice W. Provost Memorial Award-1989. J. Fla Anti-Mosquito Assoc. 60 (1): 32-33.

728. Linley, J. R. and F. Seabury. 1990. Egg of Toxorhynchites splendens described and compared with the egg of Toxorhynchites amboinensis (Diptera: Culicidae). J. med. Ent. 27 (1): 9-13.

729. Day, J. F., G. A. Curtis and J. D. Edman. 1990. Rainfall- directed oviposition behavior of Culex nigripalpus (Diptera: Culicidae) and its influence on St. Louis encephalitis virus transmission in Indian River County Florida. J. med. Ent. 27 (1): 43-50.

730. O'Meara, G. F. and D. H. Mook. 1990. Facultative blood-feeding in the crabhole mosquito Dinocerites cancer. Med. Vet. Ent. 4: 117-123.

731. Linley, J. R. 1990. The predatory behavior of Toxorhynchites amboinensis and Tx. brevipalpis larvae (Diptera: Culicidae) in response to subsurface prey. Fla Ent. (1): 9-51.

733. Nayar, J. K., J. W. Knight and A. C. Vickery. 1990. Susceptibility of Anopheles quadrimaculatus (Diptera: Culicidae) to subperiodic Brugia malayi and Brugia pahangi (Nematoda: Filarioidea) adapted to nude mice and jirds. J. med. Ent. 27 (3): 409-411.

734. Day, J. F. 1990. The use of sentinel chickens for arbovirus surveillance in Florida. J. Fla Anti-Mosquito Assoc. 60 (2): 56-61.

735. Borovsky, D., F. Mahmood and D. A. Carlson. 1990. Mosquito oostatic hormone, and its potential as a unique adulticide and larvicide. J. Fla Anti-Mosquito Assoc. 60 (2): 66-70.

736. Borovsky, D. and D. A. Carlson. 1990. The role of mosquito oostatic hormone in the regulation of midgut serine proteases, pp. 251-254 in Insect Neurochemistry and Neurophysiology, A. B. Borkovec and E. P. Masler (editors). The Humana Press, Inc.

737. Lounibos, L. P., V. L. Larson and C. D. Morris. 1990. Parity, fecundity and body size of Mansonia dyari in Florida. J. Am. Mosq. Control Assoc. 6 (1): 121-126.

738. DeWald, L. B. and L. P. Lounibos. 1990. Seasonal growth of Pistia stratiotes L. in south Florida. Aquatic Botany 36: 263-275.

739. Shroyer, D. A. 1990. Venereal transmission of St. Louis Encephalitis virus by Culex quinquefasciatus males (Diptera: Culicidae). J. med. Ent. 27 (3): 334-337.

740. Linley, J. R., L. P. Lounibos and P. A. Linley. 1990. Fine structure of the egg of Trichoprosopon digitatum (Diptera: Culicidae) and its relationship to egg raft formation. J. med. Ent. 27 (4): 578-585.

741. Shroyer, D. A. 1990. Vertical maintenance of dengue-1 virus in sequential generations of Aedes albopictus. J. Am. Mosq. Control Assoc. 6 (2): 312-314.

742. Van Handel, E. and J. F. Day. 1990. Nectar-feeding habits of Aedes taeniorhynchus. J. Am. Mosq. Control Assoc. 6 (2): 270-273.

743. Wirth, W. W. and J. R. Linley. 1990. Description of Dasyhelea chani new species (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) from leaves of the water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) in Florida. Fla Ent. 73 (2): 274-279.

744. Crandall, R. B., C. A. Crandall and J. K. Nayar. 1990. Injection of microfilariae induces resistance to Brugia malayi infection in ferrets and accelerates development of lymphatic disease. Parasite Immunol. 12: 229-232.

745. Day, J. F., A. M. Ramsey and J-t. Zhang. 1990. Environmentally-induced seasonal variation in mosquito body size. Envir. Ent. 19 (3): 469-473.

746. Rey, J. R. and T. Kain. 1990. A guide to the salt marsh impoundments of Florida. Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory Publication, Vero Beach, FL.

747. Rey, J. R., J. Shaffer, D. Tremain, R. A. Crossman and T. Kain. 1990. Effects of re-establishing tidal connections in two impounded subtropical marshes on fishes and physical conditions. Wetlands 10 (1): 27-45.

748. Rey, J. R., R. A. Crossman and T. M. Kain. 1990. Vegetation dynamics in impounded marshes along the Indian River Lagoon - Florida U.S.A. J. Envir. Mgmt 14 (3): 397-409.

749. Borovsky, D., D. A. Carlson, P. R. Griffin, J. Shabonowitz and D. F. Hunt. 1990. Mosquito oostatic factor: a novel decapeptide modulating trypsin-like enzyme biosynthesis in the midgut. FASEB Journal 4: 3015-3020.

750. Linley, J. R. 1990. Fine structure of eggs of Psorophora columbiae, Ps. cingulata and Ps. ferox (Diptera: Culicidae). Proc. ent. Soc. Wash. 92 (3): 497-511.

751. Magnon, G. J., D. V. Hagan, D. L. Kline and J. R. Linley. 1990. Habitat characteristics and phenology of larval Culicoides spp. (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) from a coastal Georgia salt marsh. Envir. Ent. 19 (4): 1068-1074.

752. Chan, K. L. and J. R. Linley. 1990. The distribution of immature Atrichopogon wirthi (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) on leaves of the water lettuce Pistia stratiotes. Envir. Ent. 19 (2): 286-292.

754. Crandall, R. B., C. A. Crandall and J. K. Nayar. 1990. Acquired resistance to disease expression in ferrets infected with Brugia malayi. 39th Ann. Mtg. Am. Soc. trop. Med. Hyg. Abstract No. 211, p. 165.

756. Linley, J. R. 1990. Scanning electron microscopy of the eggs of Aedes vexans and Aedes infirmatus (Diptera: Culicidae). Proc. ent. Soc. Wash. 92 (4):685-693.

757. Morris, C. D., J. L. Callahan and R. H. Lewis. 1990. Distribution and abundance of larval Coquillettidia perturbans in a Florida freshwater marsh. J. Am. Mosq. Control Assoc. 6 (3): 452-460.

758. Nayar, J. K., I. W. K. Gunawardana and J. W. Knight. 1990. In vitro development of Brugia malayi larvae in cultured mosquito thoraces. Effects of medium supplements. 39th Ann. Mtg. Am. Soc. trop. Med. Hyg. Abstract 10, p. 78.

759. Rao, U. R., A. C. Vickery, B. H. Kwa and J. K. Nayar. 1990. Activity of Invermectin in the exsheathment of Brugia malayi microfilariae. Proc. U.S.-Japan Mtg. in Nagasaki, Japan, July 12-15, 1990. (Abstract)

760. Rao, U. R., A. C. Vickery, B. H. Kwa and J. K. Nayar. 1990. Resistance of BALB/mice to Brugia malayi: Effect of carrageenan. 39th Ann. Mtg. Am. Soc. trop. Med. Hyg. Abstract No. 212, p. 165.

761. Rao, U. R., A. C. Vickery, B. H. Kwa and J. K. Nayar. 1990. Invermectin inhibits the exsheathment of Brugia malayi microfilariae. 39th Ann. Mtg. Am. Soc. trop. Med. Hyg. Abstract No. 185, p. 153.

762. Rey, J. R., J. Shaffer and R. A. Crossman. 1990. Salt marsh and mangrove forest soils in impounded wetlands. J. Fla Anti-Mosq. Assoc. 60: 53-58.

763. Nayar, J. K., C. G. Crowder and J. W. Knight. 1990. In vitro development of Brugia pahangi and Brugia malayi in cultured mosquito thoraces. Acta Tropica 48 (3): 173-184.

764. Lounibos, L. P., R. L. Escher, L. B. DeWald, N. Nishimura and V. L. Larson. 1990. Odonata associated with water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes L.) in south Florida. Ondonatologica 19 (4): 359-366.

765. Day, J. F., R. Winner, R. E. Parsons and J-t. Zhang. 1991. Distribution of St. Louis Encephalitis viral antibody in sentinel chickens maintained in Sarasota County Florida 1978-1988. J. med. Ent. 28 (1): 19-23.

766. Kline, D. L., J. R. Wood and C. D. Morris. 1990. Evaluation of 1-OCTEN-3-OL as an attractant for Coquillettidia perturbans, Mansonia spp. and Culex spp. associated with phosphate mining operations. J. Am. Mosq. Control Assoc. 6 (4): 605-611.

767. Chan, K. L. and J. R. Linley. 1991. Distribution of immature Dasyhelea chani (Diptera: Culicidae) to artificial lighting in the field. Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 84 (1): 61-66.

768. Ali, A., J. K. Nayar, J. W. Knight and B. H. Stanley 1989/1990. Attraction of Florida mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) to artificial lighting in the field. Proc. Calif. Mosq. Control Assoc. 57: 82-88.

769. Bradley, T. J., J. K. Nayar and J. W. Knight. 1990. Selection of a strain of Aedes aegypti susceptible to Dirofilaria immitis and lacking intracellular concretions in the Malpighian tubules. J. Insect Physiol. 36: 709-717.

770. Rey, J. R., J. Shaffer, R. Crossman and D. Tremain. 1990. Above-ground primary production in impounded, ditched, and natural Batis Salicornia marshes along the Indian River Lagoon, Florida, U.S.A. Wetlands 10 (2): 151-171.

771. Borovsky, Dov, D. A. Carlson and D. F. Hunt. 1991. Mosquito oostatic hormone a trypsin-modulating oostatic factor, pp. 133-142 in Insect Neuropeptides, J. J. Menn, T. J. Kelly and E. P. Masler (editors). American Chemical Society Symposium Series No. 453.

772. Nayar, J. K. and J. W. Knight. 1991. Nutritional factors and antimicrobials on development of infective larvae of subperiodic Brugia malayi (Nematoda: Filarioidea) in Anopheles quadrimaculatus and Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae). J. med. Ent. 28 (2): 275-279.

773. Rey, J. R., M. S. Peterson, T. R. Kain, F. E. Vose and R. A. Crossman. 1991. Fish populations and physical conditions in ditched and impounded marshes in East-Central Florida. Northeast Gulf Science 11 (2): 163-170.

774. Linley, J. R. and D. D. Chadee. 1991. The eggs of Haemagogus equinus and Hg. janthinomys (Diptera: Culicidae). J. med. Ent. 28 (3): 434-445.

775. Rao, U. R., R. C. Lowrie, A. C. Vickery, B. H. Kwa and J. K. Nayar. 1991. A direct fluorescence technique for the rapid detection of sheathed microfilariae in blood smears. Int. J. Parasit. 20: 1099-1103.

776. Van Handel, E. 1991. Sugar-deprivation following a blood meal does not reduce yolk formation and fertility in Culex quinquefasciatus. J. Am. Mosq. Control Assoc. 7 (1): 66-68.

777. Shroyer, D. A. 1991. Preliminary studies of Aedes bahamensis as a host and potential vector of St. Louis encephalitis virus. J. Am. Mosq. Control Assoc. 7 (1): 63-65.

778. Kwa, B. J., R. Buck, J. K. Nayar and A. C. Vickery. 1991. Cultured endothelial cells from lymphatics of nude mice parasitized by Brugia malayi. Lymphology 24:24-25.

779. Nayar, J. K., I. W. K. Gunawardana and J. W. Knight. 1991. Effects of medium alterations on in vitro development of Brugia malayi in cultured mosquito thoraces. J. Parasit. 77 (4): 572-579.

780. Lounibos, L. P. 1991. A mother superior. Natural History Magazine. July. pp. 46-48. (No reprints available.)

781. Day, J. F. 1991. When it rains they soar. Natural History Magazine. July. No reprints available.)

782. Lounibos, L. P. and J. Conn. 1991. Fecundity, parity, and adult feeding relationships among Nyssorhynchus malaria vectors from Venezuela. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz (Rio de Janeiro) 86: 57-66.

783. Vickery, A. C., K. H. Albertine, J. K. Nayar and B. H. Kwa. 1991. Histopathology of Brugia malayi infected nude mice after immune-reconstitution. Acta Tropica. 49: 45-55.

784. Morris, C. D. and K. B. Clanton. 1991. Service request acceptance and use by Florida mosquito control programs. J. Fla Mosq. Control Assoc. 62 (1): 4-7.

785. Linley, J. R., M. J. Geary and R. C. Russell. 1991. The eggs of Aedes funereus, Aedes notoscriptus and Aedes alternans (Diptera: Culicidae). Proc. ent. Soc. Wash. 93(3): 592.612.

786. Day, J. F. 1991. Epidemic proportion. Natural History Magazine. July 1991: 50-53.

787. Jordan, S. 1991. Influence of tree trunks on the spatial distribution of Toxorhynchites r. rutilus ovipositions in a costal oak/palm hammock in Florida. J. Am. Mosq. Control Assoc. 7 (3): 452-455.

788. Rey J. R., T. Kain and R. Stahl. 1991. Wetland impoundments of east-central Florida. Fla Scient. 54 (1): 33-40.

789. Shroyer, D. A. 1991. The 1990 Florida epidemic of St. Louis encephalitis: Virus infection rates in Culex nigripalpus. J. Fla Mosq. Control Assoc. 62 (2): 69-71.

790. Rey, J. R., R. A. Crossman, Tim Kain and J. Shaffer. 1991. Surface water chemistry of impounded wetlands and the Indian River Lagoon, Florida, USA. J. Fla Mosq. Control Assoc. 62 (2): 25-36.

791. Morris, C. D. 1991. Impact of the 1990 St. Louis encephalitis epidemic on Florida mosquito control programs. J. Fla Mosq. Control Assoc. 62(2): 53-58.

792. Day, J. F. and A. L. Lewis. 1991. An integrated approach to arboviral surveillance in Indian River County, Florida. J. Fla Mosq. Control Assoc. 62 (2): 46-52.

793. Lounibos, L. P. 1992. Handbook to the Afrotropical toxorhynchitine and culicine mosquitoes except Aedes and Culex by M. W. Service. Book Review in J. med. Ent. 29 (1): 133-134.

794. Jordan, Simon. 1992. Cues for oviposition site selection by Toxorhynchites amboinensis (Diptera: Culicidae). J. med. Ent. 29 (1): 37-40.

795. Linley, J. R., M. J. Geary and R. C. Russell. 1991. The eggs of Aedes (Finlaya) alboannulatus and Aedes (Finlaya) rubrithorax (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosquito Systematics 23 (2): 132-143.

796. Linley, J. R., M. J. Geary and R. C. Russell. 1991. Fine structure of the eggs of Aedes (Ochlerotatus) theobaldi, Ae. (Och.) sagax and Ae. procax (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosquito Systematics 23 (2): 144-159.

797. Linley, J. R. and K. L. Chan. 1991. Scanning electron microscopy of the eggs of Aedes togoi and Tripteroides bambusa (Diptera: Culicidae). Trop. Biomed. 8: 39-47.

798. Morris, C. D., V. L. Larson and L. P. Lounibos. 1991. Measuring mosquito dispersal for control programs. J. Am. Mosq. Control Assoc. 7 (4): 608-615.

799. Rao, U. R., A. C. Vickery, J. K. Nayar and B. H. Kwa. 1991. Variations in complement activation of Brugia patei, B. malayi and B. pahangi microfilariae. Kaohsuing J. Med. Sci. 7: 160-167.