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Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory

Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory

Dr. Jorge Rey

Jorge Rey

Director, Professor

Wetlands and Estuarine Ecology - Biological Control

Wetlands Ecology

Upon arrival at FMEL in 1979, I developed a basic/applied wetlands ecology program investigating the impacts of human activities on the Indian River Lagoon ecosystem and using research results to devise management strategies to minimize negative impacts and promote positive ones. A major environmental issue at that time was the impounding of more than 40,000 ha. of coastal marshes and mangrove forests for mosquito control. We investigated the ecology and environmental consequences of impounding on a wide variety of estuarine components including mangroves, fish and plankton communities, surface and pore water chemistry, vegetation distribution and production, and seagrass distribution and physiology. As a result of this research, management strategies for coastal wetlands were devised and are widely used today.

Sampling in the lagoon using a sweep net sampling using a pull net in a impoundment roots of mangroves

Mosquito Biology

Due to my tenure at the FMEL and to active collaborations with FMEL colleagues, I have also developed an interest in mosquito ecology and control. Since 1998 I have conducted studies that include research on habitat and geographic factors that influence the spatial distribution of several mosquito species that are potential disease vectors (Rey et al. - J. Medical Entomology 43:1134-1141), studies on mosquito production from nutrient rich aquatic systems (Rey et al. - J. AMCA 26:160-166), mosquito production from constructed wetlands (Rey et al. - J. AMCA 22: 198-205) and urban habitats (Rey et al. - J. Vector Ecology 31: 334-343), and others. This part of my research program combines field and laboratory-based studies and the use of geographic information systems to analyze and categorize complex habitat variables and their relationship with the biology of mosquitoes and of their natural enemies. More recently, we have conducted studies on the field biology of mosquitoes that inhabit natural and artificial water holding containers. These include extensive field studies on container habitat use and of oviposition behavior and interactions among container mosquitoes (see "Current Research").

Biological Control

Worldwide, the use of pesticides has increased more than ten-fold since the 1950s (Driesche and Bellows 1996). Many pesticides have been effective in controlling the target pests, but there are problems associated with their widespread use including pest control failures, development of resistant insecticide resistance, elimination of populations of beneficial organisms, contamination of the environment, damage to human health, and often very high costs. Although pesticides will be with us for the foreseeable future, an integrated approach to pest management is now considered essential, particularly in view of the challenges facing future generations in terms of human health and the world's food and energy supplies. Biological control is a fundamental part of integrated pest management programs. In the recent past, we have investigated the use of naturally occurring algal products (Rey et al. - Aquatic Ecology 43: 987-997) and naturally occurring copepods (Rey et al.- J. Vector Ecology 28: 124-134) for mosquito control.

The cyclopoid copepods Macrocyclops albidus and Mesocyclops aspericornis are being tested for biological control of mosquitoes in laboratory microcosms, in controlled field conditions, and in field experiments. These copepod species are promising candidates for control of mosquito larvae because they are widespread and highly effective predators that are capable of establishing and maintaining populations under a wide variety of field conditions. Additionally, these species are relatively easy tocopepoda culture, maintain, and deliver to the target areas.

Our previous work (Rey et al. J. Vector Ecology 28:124-134) demonstrated that M. albidus was highly efficient in controlling mosquitoes in all three settings, reaching close to 90% reduction in larval survival under field conditions and exceeding the recommended predation rates for effective mosquito control in laboratory experiments. The predator was most effective on 1-4-d-old larvae. Alternate food and habitat structure significantly influenced the predation rates on mosquito larvae. Once established, the copepod was able to maintain reproducing populations in the field for the duration of the experiments. We are currently exploring the effectiveness of these copepods in containers known from our previous studies to be common mosquito producers, in both urban and rural settings (see "Current Research").

Jorge Rey

Director, Professor

Wetlands and Estuarine Ecology - Biological Control

  • Ph.D. Florida State University - Biological Sciences, 1979
  • M.S. Florida State University - Biological Sciences, 1977
  • B.S. University of Miami - Biology, 1973

Jorge Rey

Director, Professor

Wetlands and Estuarine Ecology - Biological Control

Representative Publications

  • Rey, J. R. 1981. Ecological biogeography of arthropods on Spartina islands in northwest Florida. Ecological Monographs 51: 237-265.
  • Rey, J. R., D. R. Strong, and E. D. McCoy. 1982. On overinterpretation of the species-area relation. American Naturalist 119: 741-743.
  • Rey, J. R. and A. W. Stoner. 1984. Macroinvertebrate associations in the egg masses of the sea hare Aplysia brasiliana Rang (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia). Estuaries 7: 158-164.
  • Rey, J. R., R. A. Crossman, T. R. Kain, F. E. Vose, and M. S. Peterson. 1987. Sampling zooplankton in shallow marsh and estuarine habitats: Gear description and field tests. Estuaries 10: 61-67.
  • Rey, J. R., R. A. Crossman, and T. R. Kain. 1990. Vegetation dynamics in impounded marshes along the Indian River Lagoon, Florida, USA. J. Environ. Manag. 14: 397-409.
  • Rey, J. R., J. Shaffer, R. A. Crossman, and D. Tremain. 1990. Above-ground primary production in impounded, ditched, and natural marshes along the Indian River Lagoon. Wetlands 10: 1-21.
  • Rey, J. R., J. Shaffer, T. Kain, and R. Crossman. 1992. Sulfide variation in the pore and surface waters of artificial salt marsh ditches and a natural tidal creek. Estuaries 15: 257-269.
  • Rey, J. R., T. Kain, and D. E. De Freese. 1992. Observations on the feeding behavior and local distribution of Vallentinia gabriellae (Hydrozoa:Olindiidae): A new record from mangrove wetlands of the Indian River Lagoon, Florida. Wetlands 12: 225-229.
  • Rey, J. R. 1994. Effects of neighbors on growth and mortality of mangrove seedlings in three field stands - Florida, U.S.A. Wetlands 14: 308-315.
  • Brockmeyer, R. E., J. R. Rey, R. W. Virnstein, R. G. Gilmore, and L. Earnest. 1997. Rehabilitation of impounded estuarine wetlands by hydrologic reconnection to the Indian River Lagoon, Florida. J. Wetlands Ecology and Management 4: 93-109.
  • Lounibos L.P, S.Suárez, Z. Menéndez, N. Nishimura, R. L. Escher, S. M. O'Connell and J. R. Rey. 2002. Does temperature affect the outcome of larval competition between Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus? J.of Vector Ecology 27: 86-95.
  • Rey, J. R and S. O'Connell. 2003. Efectos de descargas de agua de manglares embalsados en las praderas submarinas y en la atenuación de la luz solar en el estuario colindante. Interciencia 28: 639-645.
  • Rey, J. R , O'Connell, S. Suárez, Z Menéndez, L. P. Lounibos, and G. Byer. 2004. Laboratory and field studies of Macrocyclops albidus (Crustacea: Copepoda) for biological control of mosquitoes in artificial containers in a sub-tropical environment. J. Vector Ecology 28: 124-134.
  • Rey, J. R., G. F. O'Meara, and S.M. O'Connell. 2006. Factors affecting mosquito production from drains and catch basins in two Florida cities. J. Vector Ecol. 31: 334-343.
  • Rey, J. R., N. Nishimura, B. Wagner, M. A. Braks, S. M. O'Connell, and L. P. Lounibos. 2006. Habitat segregation of mosquito arbovirus vectors in South Florida, USA. J. Med. Entomol. 43: 1134-1141.
  • Rey, J. R., P. E. Hargraves, and S. M. O'Connell. 2009. Effect of selected marine and freshwater microalgae on development and survival of the mosquito Aedes aegypti. Aquatic Ecology 43:987-997.
  • Rey, J. R., L. P. Lounibos, H. Padmanabha, and M. Mosquera. 2010. Resurgencia del Dengue en América: Pautas, Procesos, y Prospectos. Interciencia 35: 800-806.
  • Rey, J. R., G. F. O'Meara, and M. M. Cutwa. 2010. Seasonal variation in the abundance of Culex nigripalpus and Culex quinquefasciatus in wastewater ponds at two Florida dairies. J.Amer. Mosq. Control Assoc. 26:160-166.
  • Rey, J. R. and L. P. Lounibos. 2012. El dengue en Latinoamérica. Investigación y Ciencia (Spain) 424:12-14.
  • Rey, J. R., W. E. Walton, R. J. Wolfe, C. R. Connelly, S. M. O'Connell, J. Berg, G. E. Sakolsky-Hoopes, A. D. Laderman. 2012. North American wetlands and mosquito control. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 9:4537-4605; DOI 10.3390/ijerph9124537
  • Rey, J.R. and S.C. O'Connell. 2014. Oviposition by Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus: Influence of congeners and of oviposition site characteristics. J. Vector Ecology 39:1-7.
  • Piedra, L.A., L. Martínez, A. Ruiz, J. Cangas, M. G. Guzmán, J. R. Rey, J. Bisset. 2021. First record of natural transovarial
    transmission of dengue virus in Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) from Cuba. Am. J. Trop. Medicine & Hygiene: 2021. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.21-0710
  • Brockmeyer, R.E., M. Donnelly, J.R. Rey, Carlson, D.B.2021. Manipulating, managing and rehabilitating mangrove-dominated wetlands along Florida’s east coast (USA): Balancing mosquito control and ecological values. Wetl. Ecol. Manag: 2021,

Jorge Rey

Director, Professor

Wetlands and Estuarine Ecology - Biological Control

  • Training Session: Theoretical aspects in the study of island biology. Fundación Científica Los Roques. Caracas, Venezuela.
  • Universidad Central de Venezuela - Guest Instructor, Island Biogeography Course
  • Biology and Control of Mosquitoes (international course in Spanish at FMEL)
  • Guest lectures in UF Entomology and Nematology departmental courses: Tropical Entomology.
  • Mosquito Biology (ENY4905) and Advanced Mosquito Biology (ENY6905). UF Entomology and Nematology Dept.